Chapter 7: Trial At Last

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Azkaban Prison - March 27, 1996

Sirius Black sat in his cell as a dog in the worst place imaginable. He still wasn't completely sure how he had ended up here.

He knew what he had been told. That he had betrayed James and Lily and then killed Peter but that didn't make sense. He had been here long enough that the spells on him were starting to fade so he knew that James had never been with Lily.

He actually hated her. The summer before their sixth year James had gotten ill. His mother, Dorea, had been a healer so she decided to treat him at home. During her test she discovered that he had been loaded down with potions, they included and obsessive love potion focused on the bint. Once he had been purged he had sworn to never go near her again. He had realized that he had actually been in love with Severus Snape for a few years and had been forced to treat him horribly.

But later that year everything had worked out. Severus had forgiven all of them and he and James ad gotten involved. Sirius could still remember how deliriously happy, and completely shagged out, James had looked after his first time with Severus.

Sirius knew that James would never willingly get together with Evans.

James had had a son... With Severus.... What was his name again?

Hadrian. Oh yes that was his name, Hadrian. His precious godson, his pup.

As Sirius once again managed to remember his godsons name he heard someone coming. They weren't wearing the big boots so they obviously weren't guards.

Turning back he waited. He watched as two people he vaguely recognized approached his cell. One was Amelia Bones, as he thought about it he remembered the attack on her house. How those disgusting death eaters had attempted to kill her baby niece.

Looking at the other one a little closer he remembered. He had called him Kings. He had trained him when the other man had first joined the aurors.

"Welcome to my humble home Amelia. I do hope you will forgive me if I don't invite you to have a seat. Kings, what the hell are you doing here. Only screw ups and fools get stuck on Azkaban duty, I thought I had taught you better than that."

Amelia smirked and Kingsley let out a deep chuckle.

"Yeah, yeah. Maybe you should have listened to your own lessons a little more old man."

That was one of the things Sirius had always liked about Kings. He may be a naturally serious person but he knew how to take a joke.

"That's enough out of you two. Come on Sirius, its time to go." Amelia rolled her eyes. Honestly this was not the time or place to joke.

"And just where am I going to go Amelia. In case you haven't noticed, I'm in Azkaban. Has the ministry finally pulled their heads out of their collective ass and decided to give me a trial." Sirius was not in the mood, not that you ever could bee in a decent mood in this place.

"In a way Sirius, yes the ministry is giving you a trial. I have a portkey that is going to activate in 3 minutes that is going to transport us to a secure room in Gringotts where you will be questioned under veritaserum. If you can show you are innocent, which I know you are you are to be released with compensation. Lord Peverell Gryffindor arranged it." Amelia knew that she needed to keep him calm. After this long around the dementors it would only make sense that Sirius would have some emotional control issues, not that he ever had much emotional control to begin with.

"Who's he?" Sirius demanded. He knew that sometimes prisoners just disappeared from here. Not all the guards were exactly innocent. "I've never heard of him."

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