Chapter 9: Board Meeting

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Hogwarts, School Board Meeting Room - April 24, 1996

James was both extremely nervous and exhausted. Hadrian had been extremely clingy ever since Sev had had to leave, not that he had a problem with it. It just meant that he spent almost all of his time with his son in his arms. The only time he was able to put Hadrian down was when Sirius or Remus had taken him.

Every night Hadrian was in his bed and they would mirror call Sev. As soon as the calls would end Hadrian would once again dissolve into tears. They had tried skipping a night in the hopes that it might help Hadrian see that Sev didn't need to be their all the time and work on his separation issues.

Hadrian had almost had a full blown panic attack as he cried the most heartbreaking tears. That night James had ended up sharing his bed with Hadrian, Sirius, Remus, and Severus on an open mirror call the entire night. It was clear that Hadrian was having severe separation anxiety from his abandonment fears.

This morning when James had said that he was going to leave Hadrian had once again melted down. When James had finally managed to Floo to the bank, before continuing on to the school, Hadrian had been sobbing into Sirius's chest. James had felt his heart break at the sight.

Now he was preparing to enter the school board meeting. If things went the way that they wanted, by the end of the meeting he would have gotten to upset the headmaster and be one step closer to saving his husband from the old goats web.

Once they were all sitting at the table, Dumbledore had of course been late, they went around the table doing introductions. Each family was represented by a member of their family. Representing the dark faction was Avery, Gibbon, Montague, and Yaxley. The neutral faction was Bletchley, Ollivander, Shacklebolt, Kingsley's uncle, and Travers. For the light it was Blishwick, Fawley, Tonks, Sirius's cousin Andromeda, and the Weasley's, represented by Molly herself.

Like they had with the Wizengamot meeting, the first thing they did was go over the minutes of the last meeting. From what James heard it sounded like they hadn't managed to do a single thing, except have Molly stroke Dumbledore's clearly massive ego.

Then James got the joy of listening to Molly and Andromeda go on about how they needed to make sure there weren't any books in the library that could tempt the innocent little children to the dark side. Looking at the others all of them were clearly trying to stop themselves from rolling their eyes, even Blishwick and Fawley clearly thought they were being stupid.

Eventually it came time to make motions. James made sure that he was the first to speak.

"As I am sure that you all know by now, a new department has been formed by the ministry to ensure the safety of the children, the Department of Child Welfare, the DCW. To this purpose I propose that we have a team of healers and mind healers come in from St.Mongo's to conduct a mandatory health scan. I also propose that we make these health scans mandatory at the beginning of every new school year."

"Lord Peverell." Dumbledore said, his eyes twinkling. "I know that you didn't attend this school but we have a healer on staff. She deals with all the children's issues. I am sure that she is more than capable of checking the children."

"It is not my intent to be contrary Headmaster, but I must disagree. You do not have a fully qualified healer. You have a midi-witch. And although there is no denying that Madam Pomfrey is skilled at what she does, it is not enough. As I stated at the Wizengamot, most victims of child abuse hide their abuse, many are also taught to mistrust authority figures. That is why I suggested the inclusion of mind healers. There is also the fact that she heals injuries as they come in, not older injuries. I guess she doesn't check for those. It is my belief that one midi-witch is not nearly enough for a school, but I will address that later. At the Wizengamot I mentioned the tragic story of Emily Winters. That was not some historical case. If Emily had survived she would currently be studying for her NEWTs with the other Ravenclaws. I never want to have to find another story like her's. If my proposal for the medical scans by the healers and mind healers are approved then the Peverell family is willing to cover the cost for this year."

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