7. New Beginnings

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I finally get out of the shower and dress myself. I dress slowly, taking in the softness of the clothing. I take my time, because now, I need to think.

I need a plan.

If these people have strong enough technology to perfectly replicate my brother, then I don't even want to think about what else they are capable of. Are they keeping me here to use me for information, to uncover something that only I know? I don't know yet and I don't particularly want to find out.

I open the bathroom drawer and find a hairbrush waiting for me along with everything you could imagine for bathroom products. I brush out my mess of tangled hair, taking as much time as I need and enjoying every moment. Then I brush my teeth and step back into my room. I feel incredible, but still exhausted, and the bed looks too tempting to climb into.

Not yet. Not yet.

Looking around, I have nothing. These people have taken all of my weapons, everything I had on me. I feel so lost without them — so defenseless. They also left nothing in the room that I can use.

I smirk, smart thinking. They must know how skilled I can be, but they don't know everything. I guess I'll have to go without them for now. I'll figure something else out.

This feels different though, it doesn't feel as threatening as other places I've been. They might have taken everything away from me, but it doesn't feel like it's for punishment. I can't let my guard down though, not yet.

I take one last look in the wall mirror, take a deep breath and open the door leading out. I'm still cautious. I peek out the door and scan the area. No one else is in the hallway. I remember 'Steve' telling me to go down the hallway and take a right for dinner. Is it a trap? Maybe I should see what's down the other way. I need to map the layout of this facility, need to know exactly where I am so I can facilitate a plan of escape. Knowing the exit points, corridors and hiding places could make all the difference in getting out of here. I think about it for a moment — I can't rule out that these people might be working for HYDRA. I just need to find a way out. I step through the door and wander in the opposite direction.

If I'm quiet, I can get away with sneaking around. I barely make a sound as I step past door after door. At least at this point there are no cameras visible, but experience has me knowing that's not always the case. I creep down the hallway, silently tip-toeing through the empty corridor, counting the doors, memorizing the paintings on the walls. The decor makes it seem more like a home than any HYDRA facility I've been at. Even though the design of this place is futuristic, it still has a warm, inviting feel.

Then I hear laughter from behind me. I freeze, the sound startling me. It's coming from a distance, down the other end of the hallway. I continue to listen. There are new voices, some men's and some women's. How many other people are here? They sound cheerful, their laughs echoing off the walls and deep into my chest.

It's a good sound. A happy sound. Something stirs deep inside me — a feeling of longing. A feeling I haven't felt in a long, long time. It's been hiding, tucked away and dormant, afraid to resurface. I have been missing the sound of laughter. The need to be with people.

To be loved.

Maybe I should turn around and head toward the sound. Something feels like it's tugging me toward it. I hesitate and bite my lip, contemplating what to do. I don't like this, the feeling of not knowing what decision I should make. I always know exactly what my next move is going to be. Why is this any different? I know I have to find a way out of here, but something deep inside is keeping me, begging me to stay.

Laughter erupts again from the other room. Something gives and I smile softly to myself. My body acts before my mind can and I slowly turn around to head toward it. My heart drums in my ears, creating the illusion that I'm being louder than I actually am. I hope I'm making the right move. I don't even know where I am or who these people really are.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now