20. Benevolence

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I sip my coffee, taking in the sweet flavor of the creamer and letting the warmth run through me. I sit on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket and stare out the big open windows to the outside. The dew settles on the grass and shines as the sunlight reflects off it, making the ground sparkle. The remaining colors of the sunrise still linger, the pink clouds contrast off the blue sky and the rays of orange shine through the trees. The promise of a good day ahead.

Bucky is in the kitchen making something to eat. He insisted that he would make me something today. He gave me that cheesy, crooked grin and I couldn't help but let him. I hear him clanging around in the kitchen and cursing under his breath. I grin and take another sip of coffee, not even bothering to look in his direction. He's always been bad at cooking, but his perseverance makes up for it. He's trying to take care of me and I'm letting him. It feels nice to have someone take care of me for a change.

Everyone was already up besides Vision and Wanda. Nat sips her coffee next to me. She's not a morning person either and we both sit here, enjoying each other's company in silence. I wish I had met Natasha earlier in my life. I bet we would have been good friends. I've only known her for a short amount of time, but I feel like it's been so much longer. She's been through some shit too and still manages to give so much of herself. She's a true warrior and I admire that about her.

Steve walks up and plops down next to me, groaning as he leans back onto the couch. He's got a chipper look on his face. "Good morning, sunshine."

Always so cheery in the morning. A smile cracks my lips, "Good morning."

He sits up, looking a little more serious now. "How are you doing this morning?"

I fight my eyes not to look over at Bucky, not to smile at the thought of this morning. "I'm doing okay now. Whatever they drugged me with is gone and I'm feeling like myself again."

He nods. "Bruce is still worried about you. He didn't find anything in the blood work."

I turn and face him. "Isn't that a good thing?"

"You would expect so, but Bruce isn't completely convinced. He wants to run more tests."

I nod and rub my chest as a twinge of worry runs through me. "Okay. Just to be sure."

Bucky shuffles over to us as Steve and I turn to face him. One look and I can't help but belt out a laugh. He stands there grinning, holding two plates full of pancakes with batter on his forehead and in his hair.

Steve raises an eyebrow, "That's a good look on you."

Bucky laughs, "Hey, it's not as easy as it looks." I take one off the plate and take a bite. He shrugs, "Just like mom used to make, or at least as close as I could get them."

It actually tastes incredible. My stomach cramps as I chew and I realize how much of an appetite I've worked up. "These are really good, Bucky. I'm actually impressed."

"All in a day's work," he beams. He offers some to Steve and then to Natasha who's still sitting silently next to me with a smile on her face.

Natasha squeezes my arm, "This is why I stay." Steve and Bucky don't understand, but I give her a knowing nod. She's right. These people, this feeling right here. Even after the shit we all went through, surrounding yourself with people who get you, it makes all the difference. You learn to lean on each other, even if it's just a little bit. It makes the bad memories seem just a little further away.

We move to the table to eat. I take in that feeling, the feeling of having a family again. And it gives me hope. That maybe I can find myself again, that maybe I can feel loved again.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now