15. Ambush

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I stop when I take my first step inside. Saying the club is loud is an understatement. The music thunders in my ears and the strobe lights are overwhelming. I let my eyes adjust to the dark and take in the scene. The place is packed. There's people dancing on each other, drinking at the bar, there's people talking to each other and just sitting and watching. Everyone is living their perfectly illustrated lives. I continue to scan the room, there's a VIP section in the back corner surrounded by green velvet rope. Three men sit there sipping their drinks and watching the crowd like hawks. They're clean cut, shaven and dressed in black suits. They remind me of the HYDRA personnel. I get a knot in my stomach just thinking of them.

Nat grabs my arm and leans close to me, "Those men in the VIP section are your target. They're the ones that should know something about Rumlow."

I stare at them. Two girls make their way into the roped area and start dancing on the man in the center. He tucks a 100 dollar bill into one of the girl's waistband and slaps her ass. I look away in disgust, I'm definitely going to need a drink first.

We make our way to the bar, squishing in between people as we go. Natasha leans across the counter and orders a drink for each of us. I stare at the crowd, looking for anyone else that looks suspicious. There's so many people here, no wonder this is the place he picked to find his next victim.

As the plan goes, Nat will stay here at the bar. She'll work on the bar tenders for any possible information. They see so many people they always know something. Wanda will go up to the balcony. That way she can try to find someone up there and also be able to keep an eye out on me and Nat. My job is to get into the VIP area and get whatever I can out of those men.

The bar tender hands me my drink. I take a sip and immediately scrunch my nose. Holy shit, this is horrible. I make a face at Natasha.

She shrugs, "Sorry, it was the cheapest thing they had." She takes a sip through her straw and walks toward the other end of the bar.

Wanda leans into me, "You'll probably get more info than both of us. Your butt is practically coming out of that dress." She winks at me. "Good luck, remember you have your comms if you get in trouble." She gives me a smile and then disappears into the crowd.

My skin heats. I self consciously pull down my dress, suddenly feeling so exposed. I feel the knife that I have strapped onto my thigh, which at least gives me a little reassurance. This is humiliating. We better get some good stuff out of this mission. I take another sip of my drink and shiver as it goes down my throat. Never again will I let Nat order me another drink.

I turn my attention to the VIP section. The girls that were there dancing are now making their way out. The three men sit back in their chairs and sip their drinks. Now's my chance.

I start toward them, keeping my eyes locked on them to try to analyze their behavior. I feel something touch my back and I'm shoved from behind. I take a step forward to catch myself and hold my glass up so it doesn't spill. I whip my head around to see who ran into me.

"Hey, watch it!" I yell to the guy backing up into me.

The guy is definitely drunk. He's holding a drink in each hand and dancing like no one else is around. As he moves, his drink spills onto the floor, oblivious to the people staring daggers back at him. I look at him annoyed and then turn my head back around.

There's another man in front of me who quickly turns around and shuffles away. Before he disappears behind a group of people, I see a flash of his face.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now