24. Reborn

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My chest is completely on fire. I lean against the sink in the bathroom, staring at the terrified eyes that look back at me in the mirror. I grab ahold of the sink edge, my arms shaking from pain and fear. It feels like a red hot rod is being driven through the center of me, tearing my ribs from my body. I'm sweaty and pale and I have absolutely no idea what's wrong with me.

The twinge I've been feeling in my chest just exploded, sending a surge of pain through my entire body, enough to take my breath away. It wasn't this bad when I got up and left Bucky on the couch, but as I made my way down the stairs the pain started to get worse and worse. I practically stumbled into the bathroom, trying to keep on my feet to not draw attention to myself from the rest of the bar. I managed to lock the door with shaky hands and crawl my way to the sink before throwing up into it.

My head is getting fuzzy. Hopefully I don't pass out. Shit. What is happening to me? I need to get back to Bucky. We need to get back home. Something isn't right.

I take a paper towel and wipe the sweat from my face. I look like shit. That wild animal look that I hate so much is back, bringing back all those horrible memories of trying to stay alive. I press the spot on my chest that feels like a raging inferno and take a step toward the door. A surge of pain cuts off my air, bringing me to my knees. I cry out in pain, grasping at my chest like I can't breathe. I crawl forward, driving my muscles to obey me.


My muscles instantly lock up. Another surge of pain radiates through me and I jerk forward in agony. Who said that? Who's here with me? I'm shaking so badly I can barely hold myself up. I crank my head to look behind me and my blood runs cold. A man's hand slowly opens one of the stalls. He slowly appears out from the door, slithering from the shadows like the snake he is. I can't breathe. I can't move.

"The serum has primed you well, I see." Rumlow's voice bounces off the walls as he steps into the light. "Primed you exactly how I want you."

All alarms are blaring. I can't breathe, I can't move, I can't even think. I can feel the adrenaline start to course through me, bringing my blood to a boil. Finally something gives and my muscles start to move again. I stumble to my feet, whipping around to face Rumlow.

My breathing is ragged, sweat drips down my face. "What are you doing here?" my voice is hoarse with fear.

He gives me a crooked evil smile, his eyes shiny and mischievous. "Taking back what's mine." He tilts his head, "What? You didn't think I would be smart enough to capitalize on our last interaction? Priming you with that serum and planting that tracker in your neck was all part of the plan."

"What?" I ask horrified, reaching to feel the back of my neck.

Rumlow just stares at me, letting me take in his every word. Then he pulls out a little black notebook from his front pocket.


I spin away and start for the door. I can't go back. I can't go back. I can't.

Every fiber of me is screaming in pure chaotic panic, needing to get as far away from him as possible. Needing to run. Needing to find Bucky.


The word doubles me over, collapsing me to my knees again. I catch myself on the floor and choke out a strained yell. It feels like my bones are breaking inside of me. Hot searing pain.


Another wave of pain. This is different than the other times I've been brainwashed. There's pain with these words. He wants punishment.


"No, please!" I feel like there are needles stabbing into every one of my joints, pinning me to the very ground I kneel on.


I can feel myself becoming weaker with each word he speaks, my very soul becoming distant in my body. Tears start to swell in my eyes as I force myself to keep crawling toward the doorway.


My head is getting foggy and it's getting harder to see. My mind's getting tired like I could just lay down and pass out. I have to get to that door.


I cover my ears, needing to stop hearing his God-forsaken voice. I clamp my eyes shut, begging someone, anyone to help me. Then he's right in my face, prying my hands from my ears and pinning them to the floor. My eyes shoot open to meet his. I've never seen him look so sinister, like the devil himself is staring me in the face.


I try to kick him off me, bringing my foot to his chest, but it's met with a solid piece of metal. His armor is well suited for fighting us Super Soldiers and is reinforced with heavy durable vibranium to protect him. His arms are also reinforced and he can hold my wrists down without a problem. I try and wiggle my hands free, but he has such a tight grasp of them, almost like a machine.


My body jerks again. I'm getting heavier with each passing second. I'm losing control.

My biggest fear, and it's happening. They're going to get ahold of me again. They're going to use me again. I should have been more careful, should have been thinking more clearly. I squeeze my eyes shut, savoring the last thoughts that are my own.

Bucky, I'm so sorry.


In one last-ditch effort, I yell out, "Bucky, please!"


Then my mind is blank. There's nothing but darkness. There's no pain anymore, just the feeling of floating.

I open my eyes and I'm standing up. I don't feel anything, just completely numb. My thoughts do not flow, they are trapped, unable to escape their cage. All I see in front of me is the man whose command I must obey. The man I must submit to. He will tell me everything I need to do.

"Soldier?" his eyes narrow, waiting for my response.

I straighten up, meeting his gaze. "Ready to comply."

He hands me a jumpsuit, "Change." Then hands me a pistol. "Then bring me back the Winter Soldier."

"Yes, sir."

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now