26. Conquest

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A metallic clank echoes through the room. Rumlow's grip softens around me and he slumps to the floor. I can't catch my breath, it feels like everything is happening in slow motion. I don't take my gaze off Bucky, his blue eyes wide and his face mirroring exactly how I feel.

He yanks the syringe back out of his leg, having not yet pushed the serum into his bloodstream. He drops the syringe to the ground and smashes it with his boot. Rumlow lies next to me, groaning in pain from whatever struck him. Blood starts to run from a cut on his forehead.

I ready myself for another imminent threat. My eyes dart around the room, scanning every inch of the train station for the attacker. I try to lift my arm and I'm met with a surge of pain through my shoulder. I wince and press my hand up to the wound, whimpering. It hurts bad, but honestly not even close to what those trigger words made me feel as Rumlow spoke them. However he programmed me, he was making sure that I would regret every second I was away from him. He already lost one Super Soldier from his control and he wasn't going to let me get off the hook for escaping too.

The suit Rumlow made me change into is the same material I always had to wear while with HYDRA. It's made to slow down bleeding from any wounds that are acquired during a mission. It's lined with vibranium and is supposed to help with blocking any stray bullets or blasts. Rumlow knew better though, and took a shot at me close range, ripping right through it. At least it'll slow my bleeding down long enough until we can get back to the compound.

I swivel my head around, still confused about what just happened. Then I spot someone. There, on top of the train stands a figure. A flash of red, white and blue.

It's Steve.

My heart accelerates. I've never been happier to see my brother in my entire life. He jumps down from the train car and Natasha appears out of the shadows following right behind him. I choke out a sob. They came.

My eyes jump back to Bucky. We're both still so stunned that we haven't moved. Finally, he makes a move toward me, grabbing me and taking me into an embrace. There's nothing I can do but collapse into his arms. He drags me away from Rumlow, holding onto me like he never wants to let go again.

Rumlow lifts his head, revealing the extent of the gash from Steve's shield. He looks dazed, but his face turns red with anger. He raises his arm, pointing the gun directly at us. I see him over Bucky's shoulder, his expression screaming one thing: kill.

My eyes go wide, "Bucky!"

As soon as I yell, Natasha draws her gun and fires at Rumlow, knocking the pistol right out of his hand. It skids across the ground and he curses something indistinguishable.

But she's too late.

Suddenly I'm smashing to the cold floor. Bucky falls forward and catches himself before he can land on top of me. His hands are on either side of my head as he hovers over me, grimacing in pain.

He squeezes his eyes shut, "Fuck."

I see blood starting to soak through his shirt.


I hear Steve's panicked yell, "Bucky!" It sounds so far away against the blood rushing in my ears.

Natasha fires again and Rumlow covers his head to dodge the bullet. She slowly creeps up to him with her gun still pointed at him. Steve does the same, readying his shield.

My own panic sets in as Bucky locks eyes with me. "I'm sorry, Rose." His arms shake, then they give out and he falls on top of me.

"Bucky! No!" I scream at him. I push him over onto his side, trying to ignore the ripping sensation in my shoulder. Blood starts pooling under him. Why is there so much blood!? I look at his back and there's a bigger hole than there should be. What kind of gun did he shoot him with!? I press my hand up against it, trying my best to hold enough pressure to slow down the bleeding. He throws his head back and grinds his teeth at the pain.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now