19. Bucky

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I'm still wrapped up in the sheets, my head on your chest and my arms wrapped around you. I'm usually an early riser, but sex must have eased me back into a light sleep. I look over at the clock on the nightstand, 10:32. I never sleep in, but today it feels good. Today is different.

You stir and blink down at me. Your eyes scan my face, they're sleepy and inviting and turn me on so goddamn much. I still can't believe you're in my bed with me. I still can't believe I was inside of you. The thought alone makes me start to go hard again and I press my cock up against the side of you.

"Hi," you say in your sweet, sleepy voice.

"Hey." I push up and kiss your lips.

"You fell back asleep," you whisper.

I breathe out a laugh, "I told you I sleep good with you."

You smile, your nose crinkling."I'm glad."

The way you look at me is so genuine. Like you're truly happy I can rest easy with you next to me. It's the same look that you would give me back when we were younger, when you were truly happy for me, truly happy for my well-being.

I remember when your mom died. Steve was 18, you were only 16. Even though your dad died when you were younger, losing your mom was different. It hit you harder, both of you. But instead of falling into a saddened spiral, you aimed your focus on taking care of Steve, and honestly, taking care of me too. Even though we were older than you, you were still there for us the whole time, doing more for us than a 16 year old should be doing. You helped Steve navigate through early adulthood until high school graduation and made sure I stayed in school long enough to graduate before I decided to enlist. You were always so concerned about us and I never even considered how you were doing. From the outside, you always seemed like you were fine. You were always so selfless, making sure everyone else came first. You hid your emotions well, always showing that bright sunshine personality you had, never letting anyone know how you really felt.

I look at you now and realize that same girl is still in there. HYDRA didn't take everything from you, there is still that smart, beautiful, selfless girl. It gives me hope, that if you're still you, maybe I'm still me.

"We should get up," you say, pulling me from my thoughts. "Who knows what today will bring."
You're right. As much as I want to stay here wrapped up with you, I know we better get up and moving.

I drag myself out of bed, then turn back to face you. You follow, sliding to the edge. One little smile has my heart fluttering and I pick you up, carrying you straight into the bathroom.

I put you down and turn on the water. One more look at you has me painfully hard and I lead you into the shower.

I begin washing you, soaping my hands and washing your long golden hair. I take my time, massaging your head, watching the wrinkles on your forehead relax.

Then I gently wash your body, running my hands over your arms, your waist, your hips. Your nipples harden as I rub over them, tightening with arousal. Pure bliss shines on your face, head tipped back and eyes closed, enjoying every moment my hands are on you. The warm water rinses away the soap, hopefully taking more of your damaged past with you, leaving more room for new memories. Healing memories.

I work my way lower, taking all the time in the world, like there's nothing else but this. I pull you closer to me and grab your ass, loving the feel of it. It's so perfect.

You're so perfect.

I kiss you slow and deep, wanting to keep you here forever. The way your body feels pressed up against me, it's like nothing I can explain. Your skin is so soft, so fragile, yet you're so powerful. The way you were able to keep your femininity despite the trials you were put through makes my heart heavy.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now