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It's been three months since I left for Wakanda.

Shuri and Ayo, some of the strongest, smartest women among the Wakanda people, had been by my side the entire time, pushing me through some of the toughest challenges I've ever had to experience. They never wavered, they never complained. They worked tirelessly day and night to make sure I was 100% free from HYDRA's control and that I had all my memories back. The amount of mental focus, meditation and physical strength to deprogram me is something I never want to go through again. They had already done this once before with Bucky, so this time was smoother. They knew exactly where to start and the whole process seemed to move along quickly. Even though I don't really consider three months as being quick. They are the most genuine, most intelligent women I've ever encountered and I hope to one day visit Wakanda again to continue learning from them.

While they were able to remove the HYDRA programming from my mind, we weren't able to get rid of the physical programming. Along with being a Super Soldier, there were other experiments HYDRA performed on me too. One of the experiments was focused on new cell growth and body temperature. HYDRA could never get it to work because they weren't triggering the right areas.

The trigger is linked to my amygdala, the emotional center of the brain that is in close coordination with the hypothalamus - the temperature control center. When I thought Rumlow had killed Bucky, I became angry enough to trigger the response. My core body temperature can rise to a point where I can burn almost anything, even heat and bend metal.

Shuri and Ayo got me to where I can control it consciously. I thank them for helping me control it, but I hope I never have to use it. If I ever have to, I vow only to use it to help people.

I stand and stretch my legs as the jet lands at the Avenger Compound in New York. My nerves buzz as I anticipate seeing everyone. I knew I had to go to Wakanda, knew what had to be done, but it didn't make it any easier. I thought about the team every day and it killed me to be apart from them. But knowing that my return home would be filled with new beginnings gave me the strength to keep pushing through. Now that I know my mind's been cleared, I can barely contain the excitement I have to begin moving forward.

I say my goodbyes and thank yous to Shuri. She opens the jet doors and I'm flooded by bright orange sunlight. I let my eyes adjust and step out onto the concrete.

Natasha is the first one to greet me, sitting patiently on one of the cargo boxes. "Long time no see, stranger." She jumps down, casually walking up to me.

I smile, "Hi, Nat."

She grabs me and brings me into a hug. "Welcome home, sweetie."

I squeeze her tight. Home. I can finally call this place home. And it is. It's my safe place, it's where my family is.

Steve is the next to appear. He jogs out of the compound and over to the two of us. I pull away from Nat and into Steve's open arms. He wraps me into a big bear hug, "Welcome back, sis. We all missed you." He loosens his grip on me and pulls away. "You look great. I'm glad they could help you, they always know how to help." He waves to Shuri in the cockpit. She waves back and then turns the jet around and takes off.

Thank you, Shuri.

We watch the jet grow smaller and smaller as it flies away back to Wakanda. A piece of my heart will always be with them there. The sacrifices they made for me, I don't think I can ever repay. I will be forever grateful for them.

I hear footsteps from behind us and I spin around. My gaze locks onto a dark-haired man with fierce blue eyes and an intense jawline.


He casually struts over, hands in his pockets and that frustratingly handsome smirk on his face. I can see the scruff of his beard and I instantly get butterflies, wanting to feel him rub it against me.

He steps up to me toe to toe, stopping right in front of me. His expression is serious as he looms over me, scanning my face with just his eyes. "Miss Rogers."

I match his tone, "James."

Then he breaks. His mouth forms into a full smile and he wraps me up in his arms. He lifts me off the ground and spins me in a circle. I squeal with laughter, feeling his strong arms curled around me. I almost can't believe that this is real, that I'm back in his arms again. And it feels so good.

He sets me down, still holding me against him. He beams down at me. There's so much light in his eyes and they warm me up. I've missed those eyes, I've missed everything about this man. And now I finally get to stay with him.

He runs his hands down my shoulders to my arms and then slides his hands into mine. "I'm so glad you're home. I missed you so goddamn much." He slides his hand up the back of my neck, fingers running through my hair and grabbing hold. It sends a wave of shivers through me and takes my breath away. I've been waiting for this moment for so long. For three long agonizing months I've thought about kissing him again. He finally pulls me to his lips and my whole body goes weak. He does something to me that I still can't explain. As soon as we touch, my mind is relieved of all my worries, all my demons. He's intoxicating in the best way. He sees me for me, but so much more than that. He inspires me to be the best version of myself.

He pulls away and I rest my head on his chest. I embrace the warmth his body gives off, taking me to a safe place. I take in the smell of him, the smell of a cool summer's night. I hear his heartbeat in his chest, reminding me of the life that we can start together. Our free life.

Bucky finds my left hand and lifts it up for him to see. The gold ring with a single oval diamond shines brightly off the setting sun. He grins, "Still have it on, huh?"

I smile back. "I never plan on taking it off." Our eyes meet and I see pure happiness. I see the peace that he was so desperately searching for. He promised me a better life when I came back from Wakanda. A better life with him. Accepting his proposal was the easiest decision I ever made and I can't wait to see what our future holds.

It doesn't matter where we are, what year it is or how hard things get. This man is my forever. And that decision is mine to keep.

Flowers in the Darkest Parts: Bucky Barnes X OCWhere stories live. Discover now