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Half a decade had led up to that faithful day. Her first day of active duty as a real police officer. Five years of working her butt off, day in and day out, and where had they placed her? Guard duty at Central Station. What an honour!

As if in a dream, Caitlyn marvelled at an airship as it coasted overhead. As long as the tallest buildings in Piltover were high, sporting eight egg-shaped balloons the size of clouds, it cast the entire station in shadow. What sort of wonders were contained within? Magical artifacts? Brave adventurers? Wise scholars? Maybe even Vastayans. Oh, what a treat that would be!

No. No, she needed to focus. She was an officer now. The people relied on her for their safety. What sorts of dangers could the airship hold? Smugglers? Fleeing felons? Weapons? Illicit substances?

"Eyes on the crowd, rookie!" Samuel snapped.

Samuel, her senior officer towered a head and a half over her. A plump, balding man who'd seen more years of active duty than Cailtyn had been alive for, to hear him say it; a true veteran. His sharp eyes scanned the crowd even as he reprimanded her.

"Yes- Yes, sir!"

Argh, what was she doing?! How many times had they drilled it into her?! Always stay alert, danger is everywhere. Caitlyn tore her eyes from the airship at once and watched the stream of bodies flooding through the final terminal gates. Right away she noticed most were locals returning to the country. Only Piltover residents dressed in such wild and lavish outfits.

A troupe of ladies wearing dresses with collars that reached high above their heads paraded past her. Rubies the size of coins speckled the towering collars, sparkling warmly in the sunlight. After them, a tall man with grey streaks in a well-kempt beard smiled and tipped his top hat at her. Gears and thin copper pipes adorned the hat. They worked together to make wire yordles dance on the brim. Before Caitlyn had even processed the spectacle, a little old lady passed beneath her nose, dressed in a gown with sleeves that trailed along the ground behind her. High fashion never made much sense but it always made for good entertainment.

"How many times must I say it, rookie? Focus!"

"Sorry, yes, you're right sir."

"I know I'm bloody right, you don't have to tell me."

"Sorry, sir."

Caitlyn rubbed her temples, willing her stupid brain to focus. She couldn't keep getting distracted. As a terminal guard, she held the responsibility to catch those who managed to fool the initial screening upon arrival. The last line of defense against evil trying to sneak into Piltover. Straightening her back, Caitlyn scanned the crowd for troublemakers.

She watched the bags carried by the crowd for suspicious bulges. She watched their eyes for any nervous shifting. She watched the people they met up with for signs of Zaun gang membership. But found nothing. Hundreds upon hundreds of people passed her by, all looking perfectly innocent. Good. Good, that meant Piltover was safe yet, as the hours passed, Caitlyn found it harder and harder to keep her eyes from the airships.

Just as she was about to sneak a look, something unbelievable passed in front of her. A woman with nine, white fox tails that sprouted from a hole in the back of her skirt. Two pointed ears with black fur, like that of a cat, twitched on top of her head. Gorgeous, flowing black hair streamed past her shoulders. A Vastayan. There was no doubt about it. Caitlyn tried to look away. She really did, but her stupid gay brain forced her to keep staring at the spectacle.

She could've melted right into the concrete.

A gap between the end of the vastayan's skirt and knee-high socks, exposed two bulging, smooth thighs. The white of the skirt outlined a wide, round ass. A form-fitting, shoulderless blouse hugged a slim waist and perky breasts.

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