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Vi broke their kiss. Her face hovered above Caitlyn's, wild and mischievous. "You ready, Cupcake?"

After a single cock left Caitlyn's pussy tender and throbbing. What would four more do to her? Let alone fifty? Most likely leave her like the girls she'd seen in free-use videos. Barely conscious, glazed and oozing.

Caitlyn bit her lip. "I-I am."

"Look at you, all excited. Fuck, I could take you again.".

"I could have you again."

Vi laughed. "Don't tempt me, Cupcake. Ahri takes rule-breaking seriously. We're allowed one orgasm, that's all."

"So? When have you ever cared about the rules?"

"These rules make sense and aren't made by a total piece of shit."

Caitlyn held her tongue. She knew better than to argue with Vi about such things by now. It never led anywhere. Best to change the subject.

"How do they know you came?" she asked.

"Miss Nine-tails has got freaky good hearing, and she can feel emotions or some shit. I don't know, she just knows." Vi rolled off of Caitlyn and hopped to her feet.

Caitlyn made to follow her.

"Don't get up, Cupcake. Better to rest in between." Vi brushed Caitlyn's hair out of her face and kissed her on the forehead. "I'll be right outside. See you once you're done?"


Their lips reunited one last time before Vi gathered her clothes and headed for the door.

"Good luck, Cupcake."

Vi disappeared around the couch. The doors opened. A new set of footsteps approached.

Caitlyn awaited on her back, giddy and smiling ear to ear. Her mind raced to remember all the women in the lobby. All the faces and forms melded together, leaving Caitlyn only her imagination to puzzle out her next partner. The wildest creation of her mind paled in comparison to what presented itself.

A woman made of silver and bronze metal rounded the couch. Two unblinking eyes of glowing blue light bore Caitlyn. Like that of a statue, her hair was moulded in bronze to resemble a tied-up bun. Gaps in her arms, torso and thighs revealed gears, pulleys and levers made of brass. Where shoulders, elbows and knees ought to be were instead, ball joints. The handle of a key as long as her torso stuck out of her back, like a windup toy. Blue light like that of her eyes shone from every gap of her body. Not any normal light. Hextech light.

"Hello," the metal woman said in a sweet yet, monotone voice. "Do you wish to continue this activity?"

Caitlyn sat up on the edge of the couch. Words failed her.

"You are surprised. That is a normal reaction. Would you care for an explanation?"

"You, uh, you run off Hex-tech, right?"

"That is correct."

"Are you human? Like, a cyborg?"

"Once. Do not be concerned. I think. I feel. Just like you. Correction. Enough like you for us to share our bodies in coitus."

Caitlyn looked for genitals but, found only a smooth mound beneath her iron tutu. "How do you have sex?"

"With this."

Gears whirred and a panel shifted to the side on the metal mound between her legs. A sizeable silver cock emerged and clicked into place. A good quarter of its length reached beyond her fanning, iron tutu.

Caitlyn's Futa ObsessionWhere stories live. Discover now