Ahri II

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Thank you to my patrons: Lolop12, SambaZero, Survivor121, Syndra, minimized, Chance Meadows, Ninja, Thomas Borrmann, Zac Polk, Windblade13, Rai, Emperor_Vader142, Justice Birdie, Haylee Hill, and Verkran <3


Blue leaves crunched under Caitlyn's feet. Red birds peered over the edges of branches, and white frogs from the rainbow underbrush; they hid when she met their eyes. Lillia, on the other hand, was swarmed by animals of all colours. They played around her as she trotted down a leaf-covered trail, chittering amongst themselves and to her. If her bare breasts offended them, they didn't show it.

"Oh, yes," she said to a black squirrel. "Very rude. Let Ivern know at once. Those were your nuts, I'd argue. First come first serve. And what does a frog need nuts for anyway?"

The squirrel let out an exacerbated squeak before it streaked down her leg and vanished into the underbrush. As soon as it was gone, a green mouse took its place and got stuck into a long rant of squeaks and clicked teeth, waving its tail and front paws about in wild, sweeping gestures.

The animals had no colours. None beyond the surface that is. But Lillia's eyes shone like a storefront in the heart of Piltover, flaring this colour and that as she nodded along to the mouse. Love and Passion.

"Show her your teeth. You have magnificent teeth," Lillia said. The mouse nodded, squeaked, and scampered off.

Before another animal could take its place, Caitlyn swooped in beside Lillia. "Can you see colours in their eyes?"

"Hm? Oh, yes. Many," Lillia said, ignoring a flurry of annoyed squeaks, chitters, croaks, and all manner of animal noises. She pursed her lips. "Your eyes are dulled. What's the matter?"

"I'm just trying to sort out whatever all this is. The rules and limits and whatnot."

"Ahri will know."

"You don't?"

"Mortals' relationship with magic is... confusing. Fae are simple. Fae are magic, so Fae use magic. But mortals... well, they can get magic from all sorts of places with no clear rhyme or reason." Lillia patted Caitlyn's shoulder and smiled. "Don't worry, Ahri knows all about magic. She'll know."

Caitlyn brushed a strand of blue hair out of Lillia's face. Love shifted in her eyes, morphing into different shapes and patterns. "I hope you're right." She leaned it.

And they shared a kiss. Lillia's soft, warm mouth tasted like cum. Their tongues glanced. Lillia's retreated, but Caitlyn pursued, filling her mouth and licking the back of her teeth. Her tongue explored Lillia's mouth for the rest of their stroll.

The animals complained every step of the way.


Again, Ahri awaited them in front of the double doors. Although this time, a grin brightened her heart-shaped face and her tails swished to a unified, uptempo beat. Dawn's fire warmed her porcelain-pale skin with the dulcet tones of a winter fire. Her usual crimson silks were gone in favour of yellow silks trimmed with silver; they gleamed in the sunlight.

Thrill blazed in her eyes.

"Did you enjoy yourselves, dears?" Ahri asked, her voice prim and proper.

Lillia bounded across the room. "I did, Mistress! She's so fun and cute and sexy!"

The compliments, simple as they were, set Caitlyn's cheeks to blushing.

Ahri laughed. "I'm glad, dear. Run along now. Evelynn is waiting for you."

Lillia gasped, and booked it through the double doors. As the doors swung open, a chorus of faint moans seeped through. Ecstasy of every flavour washed over Caitlyn. She shuddered, suddenly weak at the knees.

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