Volume 1; Chap 2.3

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The bomb started ticking quickly. "30 seconds left 'til detonation!" Atsushi yelled.

Kunikida was about to run at the bomb but the bomber jumped on him preventing him from doing so.

Atsushi was the closest to the bomb and didn't know what to do. He started looking around for something but then noticed Naomi was still there.

With only 13 seconds left he quickly pushed Naomi away towards Dazai who caught her. "Atsushi!" Dazai was in shock to see what Atsushi was doing.

Atsushi hugged the bomb and lowered himself so that his body was covering the bomb.

"You fool!"

"No, don't!"

"You'll die!"

Atsushi shut his eyes and clenched his teeth, prepared for the worst.

▏°*⋆~ ❀ ~⋆*°  ▏

"Jeez…you know, I figured the kid was stupid, just not that stupid."

Atsushi looked up confused and saw Kunikida with his arms crossed, the 'bomber' behind him, and you and Dazai next to them with your hands in your pockets.


"He even has the talent to become a suicidal maniac." Dazai smiled down at Atsushi. "Wouldn't you agree with me, Tanizaki?"

"Sorry, are you ok?" Tanizaki asked.

Atsushi blinked, confused.

"Oh! My sweet big brother!" A sweet voice suddenly yelled. Naomi threw herself on her brother and accidentally hit his chin with her head. "Tell me you're alright!"

"You were so wonderful as the villain! I believed every second of it!" Naomi started drawing circles on Junichiro's chest. "I had the time of my life being tied up, and I loved how intense and dangerous it felt! Please, promise me we'll continue where we left off once we get home!"

Atsushi's eyebrow twitched as he stared at the Tanzaki siblings. "So she was in on the entire thing too?"

"You mad? If you're upset, you should blame Dazai. Or yourself." Kunikida said. "After all, you chose an idiot like him to help you find work."

"Wait, does that mean this is the job?"

"It sure is! I told you there was a test involved." Dazai answered.

Your head popped up from behind Dazai as you stared at Atsushi. Dazai patted your head, you looked up at him and back at Atsushi who was still on the floor.

"As in an entrance exam?" Atsushi questioned.

"That's exactly right." A sudden deep voice appeared. Everyone turned their heads to where the voice came from. "Dazai came to my office saying his work has brought him in contact with a capable young man."

Fukuzawa Yukichi
Ability: All Men Are Created Equal

It was the Armed Detective Agency's one and only president. "But I needed more than his word so I had him test you."

"You did well, I brought up the idea that the agency hired you. But since you've designated a major threat throughout the ward, there was disagreement as to whether we should take you in." Dazai explained.

"Then Dazai asked me a question." The president continued.

They then continued to explain what had happened when Dazai went to the president. Kunikida asked the president if he was ready to make his decision. Everyone stared at him with anticipation. The president left the option to Dazai.

"Hold on Dazai, this is all happening too fast." Atsushi got up from the floor, still holding on to the bomb, "does this mean the job you told me about this morning was…"

"You apparently passed the test. Welcome to the Armed Detective Agency, Atsushi Nakajima." You popped up behind Dazai again and popped a small party popper and a bit of confetti burst out. You did this with a huge smile on your face.

You ran up to Atsushi and created a small tiger of ice for him. He stared at you with a blank face with his eyebrows curled upwards.

"Right!" Naomi dragged Junichiro over with her, "I'm so glad I was able to help!"

"Congratulations, you passed your big exam!" Junichiro congratulated.

"Oh, no no no. This job is way too violent for me. You people are completely reckless." Atsushi said.

You frowned and made a small 'aww' of disappointment and dropped the tiger on the floor. It shattered as soon as it hit the tiled floor.

"You're the one who used their own body as a shield to cover a bomb!" You responded back. "Not everyone would do that, y'know, that takes guts." You shrugged and put your hands in your pockets.

"She's right, y'know! I can't believe how brave you were." Naomi added to the conversation.

"You'll do fine working here." Dazai reassured.

"Well I…" Atsushi was left speechless.

"Now, obviously, we can't force you to join. But if you don't, there are a lot of considerations that cause me to worry for your future. We'll need you to vacate the company dorm, you don't really have any specialized skills, nor do you have friends or know anyone, they'd make finding a job very difficult. Besides, you are a wanted tiger." Dazai explained.


"Should anyone learn of that, at best you'd get fired from your job. At worst, you'd be captured and shot dead." He continued.

"Sh-Shot dead?!"

"Now if you were with this agency, it'd be a different story."

"Ahaha! Looks like you're out of options, Atsushi!" You smiled.

"So that means I'm stuck here..?"

"Welcome aboard, we're excited to work with you Atsushi! Right, sweet brother?" Naomi started hugging Junichiro really tight.

"Remember to follow the rules, rookie." Kunikida warned.

"Well, I'm glad it's settled." Dazai said. You popped another party popper with a smile on your face and created another tiger of ice.

"Oh brother…" Atsushi mumbled.

Kind of a short chapter, sorry if you're actually enjoying this story

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Kind of a short chapter, sorry if you're actually enjoying this story.

I might start another story I'm currently working on. So, how many of you have watched an anime called, "Shadows House"..?

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