Volume 1; Chap 4.2

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You took Dazai to the woman's body and he started to mumble himself. He started rambling about how she could've killed herself along with him.

"Who the hell is your weird friend?" Mr. Minoura asked with his hands crossed in front of him.

"He's a colleague at the Agency, and yes he always acts this way." Ranpo answered.

"Oh how I hope you rest in peace, m'lady! And now an extraordinary detective will avenge your death for you and me, both! Isn't that right, Ranpo?" Dazai turned to Ranpo.

"It's tough to say, I haven't officially gotten the job yet." Ranpo responded.

"What? Why?"

"Ask Mr. Detective." Ranpo pointed to Mr. Minoura, who was standing next to him.

"We don't need private eyes on this. Everyone on my team is better than any private tick out there. Including you bums." Mr. Minoura responded back.

You chuckled to yourself and Mr. Minoura overheard you.

"I don't see what's so funny about this situation." He said to you.

You stopped chuckling and turned to him, "You're funny mister! If that statement were true, this case would've been solved already!" You said to him with a smile.

He scoffed at you. "What's a girl like you doing here anyway? Shouldn't you be home with your mother?" He said kind of angrily.

Your closed eye smile suddenly disappeared and you looked up at him with cold, lifeless eyes. "What..?" You said softly. "My mom? But she...she didn't…" you were looking at the floor with wide eyes. Your right hand started emitting small flames.

Before you could do anything that could get you into serious trouble, Dazai put his hands on your shoulders, canceling your ability. He smiled at the detective and Ranpo, letting them know that it's all under control, and to please continue, though Mr. Minoura didn't notice the flames in the first place.

"As I was saying, we don't need you, my team will solve this case faster and better than you." Mr. Minoura insisted.

"Oh, tell me officer, what's your name?" Ranpo pointed to the officer who was in the background the whole time.

"I am sergeant Sugimoto, sir " he saluted, "the victim, Ms. Yamagiwa was my superior officer on the force!"

"Alright Sugimoto," Ranpo put his hand on Mr. Sugimoto's shoulder, "here's your chance, solve this case in 60 seconds ready, set go."

Mr. Sugimoto tensed up at the sudden order.

"I can solve this thing in under a minute." Ranpo whispered to him. "If you're as good as he says you are, you should be able to do that too." Ranpo turned his head to Minoura, as if to mock him.

"Ok, it's showtime! Let's see what you got." Ranpo turned back to Mr. Sugimoto.

Mr. Sugimoto put his hands on his head and started yelling about how that isn't nearly enough time to solve the case and Ranpo only responded by counting the seconds out loud.

You were suddenly interested in where this was going so you lifted your head up from staring at the floor.

"Hold on! I know Yamagiwa was pursuing a political corruption case and also running an investigation on the Port Mafia. The murder's M.O. is similar to the mafia's when they want retribution. Maybe the mafia did it, because they knew she was getting too close!"

Before Mr. Sugimoto could continue is claim, Dazai interrupted him.



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