Volume 1; Chap 8.2

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You, Kenji, and Atsushi were now walking through the path again.

“Speaking of the factory district, there’s a hangout spot for the Gojo Youth Association there.” Kenji said.

“Who’s that?” Atsushi asked.

“To put it in city terms, they’re a gang.” Kenji answered simply.

“Eh! A g-gang?” Atsushi shivered.

“I wonder if maybe they could be the ones who built the bomb.” Kenji pointed out.

“We should do a coin toss.” You playfully suggested, “Heads says they did it and tails says they’re innocent.” You pulled a coin you found in your pocket and began flipping it with your thumb before catching it.

“That might work, [Y/n], but how about we go there and ask them face to face, instead?” Kenji suggested with a smile.

“Sounds good, Kenji.” You responded, while putting the coin you were flipping back in your pocket.

“Wait a minute!”

You and Kenji looked at Atsushi after his sudden outburst.

“Even if they were responsible, why would they admit it? Especially to us?” Atsushi asked.

“If we go and ask them nicely, I’m sure they’ll tell us. That’s how life is.” Kenji smiled.

“What? ‘That’s how life is’?” Atsushi questioned Kenji’s words. “Are you serious?”

Kenji kept his smile on.

“You are serious..” Atsushi mumbled.

Atsushi stared down at Kenji with hesitance before smiling, “I guess you’re right, Kenji!”

You sweatdropped but decided to just go with it.

▏°*⋆~ ❀ ~⋆*°  ▏

“Huuuuh?” a man with a metal bat over this shoulder got close to Kenji's face.

You, Kenji, and Atsushi were at the hideout and confronted the gang. Atsushi crouched behind you and Kenji, shaking and covering his head with his hands. Kenji was standing in front of the men whilst holding your hand like the big brother you once had.

“Did any of you build the bomb that made that big car fly into that building?” Kenji asked.

“You’re a funny guy!” The man with the bat said, “you cops or somethin’?”

“Actually, we’re with the Armed Detective Agency.” Kenji answered while holding up his Agency ID. You pulled yours out and showed them too.

Kenji looked behind the man with the bat and awed at something he saw.

“That’s a real nice chain you got there.” Kenji gazed at the chain another man had dangling on his hip, “Do you always keep one of them handy in case you ever have to haul cows around?” Kenji lifted up the chain.

“Why you..!” The man with the chain started.

“Explain yourself, kid!” The one with the bat demanded.

“Oh, I just wanted to ask if any of you were responsible for what happened.” Kenji smiled while scratching the back of his head with his free hand, since he was still holding onto yours.

All the men in the room stared at Kenji in disbelief before smirking.

“Can’t say we know anything about it.” the man with the bat smirked.

“Right?” The one with the chain looked back at the rest of the men.

They all laughed.

Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance.

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