Volume 2; The End of the Beginning

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Darkness. That was most of your time with the Port Mafia. Literally. Not just as in the empty void you were drowning in for four years. Darkness, as in the dark room you were locked in when you weren't being used for your ability.

That's where Dazai kept you when he didn't need you. You simply stayed in this room that has a twin sized bed, a nightstand next to that bed, a small closet, and bathroom. Your closet had multiple replicas of the same outfit. A black dress that reached just above the knees. The dress had white long sleeves and a white collar, white socks that reached midway up the calves and a pair of black flats that had a strap going across, and black bows that you would wear at the back of your head.

Most of the time, you would sit at the edge of the bed, spacing out, reliving old memories or drowning in that darkness. The other kind.

On the occasion that Dazai would unlock the door, it was either to take you out for a mission, or to give you food. Sometimes however, he would bring you little things for you to entertain yourself with.

Coloring books with crayons, rubix cubes, dolls. Though, the dolls weren't those plastic ones. They were ragdolls that looked like they were homemade.

He always said they were from other people like Chuuya or Kouyou or even Mori. He used to say, 'You're lucky I was generous enough to bring it to you and not burn it'.

Be that as it may, you were always grateful that he brought you these things.

As cold and distant as he was, you were always thankful towards Dazai. Not because he brought you all these things, well that too, but the reason you could never actually hate Dazai, was because he saved you.

Being abandoned at the age of six at a place you never even knew existed is traumatic. You believed that they would return for you. Once you had accepted that nobody wanted you, he came into your life and gave you something nobody else could. An opportunity.

⁠。⁠*゚⁠+ ✧ +゚*。

"This is too hot! Did you add lava to it as a secret ingredient or something?" Dazai said between breaths.

"Odasaku gets that dish all the time." The man behind the counter said back.

You looked up at Dazai and noticed a figure walking behind the glass window.

The door opened and closed. You looked to your left and saw a man with wine-colored hair and a beige coat.

The man behind the counter looked at the one with the beige coat, "So, how'd things go with the kids?"

"Same as usual." He responded.

Sakunosuke Oda
Ability: Flawless

Dazai put down his spoon, "Are those the orphans from the Ryuuzu Dispute that happened two years ago?"

The man with the beige coat walked behind Dazai and sat on the seat to his right while you sat on the chair to Dazai's left.

"You're a member of the Mafia, but you don't kill anyone, you have no interest in moving up, and look after orphans." Dazai looked at the man to his right, "You're a strange one. I don't know anyone else in the Port Mafia like you."

"You're stranger than I am." He responded. He slid an envelope to the man behind the counter. "Here, this should cover the kids for the time being."

"Sure you don't want me to pitch in?" The man behind the counter added, "You really don't have to foot the bill yourself."

"You've already done more than enough, giving them a place to stay." The one in the coat responded.

Dazai slowly took another bite of his curry.

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