Volume 1; Chap 6.1

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You and Atsushi were waiting in front of the Infirmary. You had told him everything that happened on the train. He was shocked and decided to wait for Kyouka to wake up with you.

You were lost in your thoughts. You were also curious as to what happened with Yosano's fight with the other Port Mafia agent.

You stood up from sitting on the floor and peeked into the Infirmary even though you weren't supposed to.

"Hey, Doctor Yosano? Can I please come in?" You asked softly.

Yosano sighed, "Sure, [Y/n]." She finally let you in after the 5th time you asked.

You slowly walked in and sat on the chair next to Yosano. She was typing on her laptop. Yosano glanced at you before turning her chair to look at Kyouka.

Kyouka's sleeping figure on the bed with her hair sprawled all around the pillow. You looked at Yosano looking at Kyouka so you looked at the girl as well.

The words she said before she pushed herself off the moving train ran through your head.

"My name is Kyouka Izumi. I've killed 35 people…I don't wanna kill anybody else ever again, not ever!"

Those were almost her final words. You were glad you were able to save her.

"She's a lost cause, [Y/n]." Yosano suddenly said.

"Huh?" You looked at her.

"She's taken out entire organizations, using her appearance to trick her targets into lowering their guard." Yosano explained.

You bit the inside of your cheek.

"But it's not her fault. The blame lies on the person who was controlling her ability through the cell phone." You mumbled.

"Well," Yosano turned back to her laptop, "Not all abilities don't bring happiness to their wielders."

It was then that Kyouka began stirring in her sleep. You looked over at her and saw that she began to slowly open her eyes.

She was staring at the ceiling, not making a sound.

Yosano noticed Kyouka had woken up and did a quick check up on her to see if she was alright. After that, Yosano peeked out the door to tell Atsushi, and apparently Kunikida, that Kyouka was awake.

You walked over to Kyouka as Yosano talked to Atsushi and Kunikida. Kyouka glanced at you and raised her eyebrows at you.

"[Y/n].." she softly mumbled.

Atsushi and Kunikida walked in and stood next to you.

"Are you okay?" Atsushi cautiously asked.

Kyouka didn't answer and kept staring at the ceiling.

"U-uh.. you're in the Infirmary at the Agency. How are you feeling?" Atsushi asked. "You remember who [Y/n] is, don't you?"

She still didn't answer.

"Tell me, who's behind all of this? The Port Mafia is like a snake, unless you cut off its head it'll just keep coming." Kunikida said.

Kyouka still hasn't said a word to them.

"Answer me girl, who is your superior?" Kunikida demanded.

"H-hey, Mr. Kunikida.." Atsushi trailed off.

After a moment of silence, Kyouka spoke up, "Tachibanadou's Boiled Tofu.."

"Huh..tofu?" Atsushi mumbled.

"It's good.." Kyouka said softly.

"Is that it? You want us to get you some?" Kunikida asked.

"I'll talk if you do." Kyouka responded.

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