Volume 1; Chap 9.2

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'huh…where..am I?'

You slowly opened your eyes. You felt tired and empty. You slowly moved your eyes and looked around.

'wait…I..I know this place..'

You realized that you were laying on the wooden floor. You slowly sat up and looked around confusingly.

"No way.." you mumbled to yourself and stood up with a panicked expression. You looked around frantically.

"Why am I here…?!"

You looked down at yourself and saw you were slightly transparent with a blue hue covering your body.

"Am I…am I dead?!"

You were about to full on panic until you heard footsteps. You turned your head towards where you heard the footsteps. Your eyes widened when you realized what was going on.

"Mom! I-I can't control it!"

You saw yourself running down the stairs. She was around 5 years old. Your same [H/c] hair and [e/c] eyes.

Your younger self had tears in her eyes. Her hands were frozen to her fingers completely. She wore a simply light green dress that reached below her knees and her hair was slightly messy.

You followed your younger self into the kitchen where she ran to your mother. You furrowed your eyebrows when you saw your mother.

"Mom! My hands! They're freezing!"

Your younger self held her hands up to your mom. Your mother turned around and gasped in fear.

Your mother laughed nervously as she slowly kneeled down in front of your younger self. Your mother slowly clasped her hands around your younger self's hands.

You could tell your mother was scared. Not for you but of you. You were too young to realize it then but now that you see it now, you could tell just how afraid your mother was of you.

"O-okay sweetie, just calm down. Think happy thoughts. Don't panic.."

You walked closer to your younger self and your mother. You had your eyebrows furrowed with a slight frown.

"Mom.. I-I'm scared!"

You heard footsteps behind you. You turned around the same time your mother looked up at who it was.

You saw your older brother walking into the kitchen.

"Makoto.." you mumbled. You were glad they weren't able to see you right now.

"What's going on?"

Your brother glanced down at your younger self.

"Makoto, get out of here!" Your mother yelled at him desperately.

When you were younger, you assumed it was because your mother didn't want him to put more pressure on you. You realize now that it was because she didn't want you to hurt him if things got out of control.


Your younger self yelled. You looked down at her and saw that the ice on her hands was growing. You scoffed and walked away from the scene.

Suddenly, everything started spinning and swirling. You put your guard up and looked around while clenching your jaw and fists.

Everything stopped spinning and you found yourself in a different scenario. You looked around and realized it was a week later than the last scene.

Your younger self was in her room, drawing. Your younger self perked when there was arguing coming from a separate room.

You were too distracted by the arguing to notice your younger self standing up. She walked right through you and towards the door.

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