。・:*:・゚★part one☆・゚。:⋆・*

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Tweeks POV: *diiiiiiiiiiiiiiing* "AH" I slightly jump as I hear the unnecessarily loud bell ring before remembering it was the last class of the day, causing me to eagerly get out of my seat and go out into the halls to meet with Craig.

We would always meet up at the end of the school day and today when I was walking to meet up with him, I saw Stan, Kyle, Kenny, and Cartman circled around Craig with smuggish grins on their faces.

"Ah shit -ehhh- this can't be good" I thought as I dragged myself to go see what they were pestering Craig with this time.

"Tell Tweek to come and join, my parents will be out all night, it'll be sick" Kyle says as he bumps his elbow into Craig. Craig rolled his eyes and saw I was standing there with a confused look on my face.

I glance around at the other boys and notice Stan holding something. Its a clear plastic bag with a bunch of brownies in it..? I look at all of their faces once again and see them all smirking at me. "Whatchu say Tweek" Stan says as he holds up the bag of brownies slightly waving it in front of my face.

"W-w-what is tha-" I cut myself off realizing what exactly those brownies are while the boys slightly laugh at my innocence. "My dad made them with some of the best shit he had" Stan says smiling and nodding. Craig grabbed my hand pulling me over to his side tilting his head down to talk somewhat quietly, just to me. "If you don't want to, then we don't have to honey" Craig said while squeezing my hand.

I looked down at the ground wondering what I should do. I mean we are in high school now, things like this are bound to happen, right?

"Tweek, how you gonna be a methhead but your scared of a little weed?" Cartman snickers.

"Shut up fatass" Craig says while flipping him off.

I disregard Cartman's comment and look up at Craig once again, noticing him smiling down at me. "O-Okay, I-I'll try some" I say looking back at the other boys seeing them get all hyped up.

"Sweet bro, you two meet at my house around 7 tonight" Stan says to Craig and I.

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