。・:*:・゚★part four☆・゚。:⋆・*

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Craig's POV: We all stumbled our way to Stan's garage, Stan, Kenny, and I grabbed some skateboards. We started making our way to the gas station that was a couple of blocks down. Since Kyle, Cartman, and Tweek were walking we had to skate pretty slow, mainly just swerving around them. Kenny was holding a speaker, like a boom box on his shoulder, blasting music. The current song being blasted through the night air of the neighborhood was Tongue Tied by Grouplove.

I started swerving around Tweek, accidentally bumping into him a few times.

"Cmon babe you tryyyyyyy" I say while getting off the skateboard.

"N-No way dude! I-I-I'll fall and die" Tweek shouted.

I gestured for him to get on the board, holding both of my hands out so he could hold onto me. He slowly stepped up on the board and grabbed my hands. I was basically holding on and pulling him on the skateboard. He was holding my hands so tight, I looked at him and smiled.

"Seeeeeeee, fun right?" I say while pulling Tweek on the skateboard.

Cartman saw Tweek skateboarding and wanted to try himself. "Kinny, get off, it's my turn!" Cartman whined.

"Mmprh mmfuk you" Kenny mumbled while looking towards Cartman behind him. He bumped into a rock causing him to fall, scraping the fuck out of his knee.

"Nice going fatass" Kyle shouts

Kenny laughs while laying on the street, looking at his knee where he could see a shit ton of blood soaking through his pants. "I bet I could jump over you like I did the homeless peopleee" Cartman said whilst getting on the skateboard and making his way over to Kenny, who was still on the ground.

After about 15 minutes of us all walking and skating, and Stan trying to ollie over everything possible, we made it to the gas station."Finallyyyyy" Cartman wines while opening the door. The 3 boys on the skateboards picked them up, carrying them into the store.

Tweek's POV: I was still holding onto Craig's hand until we made our way into the gas station, the bright lights blinded me until my blurry vision spotted a coffee machine. My heart raced with anticipation, "GAH!!" I twitch and I let go of Craig, running eagerly over to the coffee machine to get my caffeine fix, since it had been a few hours since I've drank any coffee. "Ah-hahaaa, uhhh anyone got any hehe meth?" I shouted pretty loud, giggling to myself while I grab a 20 oz foam coffee cup, gaining a few stares from other customers in the store. Whoops.

The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled my nostrils, and I felt my mouth water as I approached the counter

As I took my first sip, the hot liquid scalded my tongue, but I didn't care. The rush of caffeine hit me like a jolt of electricity, waking me up from my sluggish state of mind. I felt my brain come alive, my thoughts racing faster than I could keep up with. The warmth of the cup in my hands was comforting, and I felt a sense of relief wash over me as I drank the last drop. It was like a lifeline, keeping me going through the long hours of the day. With each sip, I felt my energy levels surge, my focus sharpen, and my mood brighten. I knew I couldn't go without it, that my body had become dependent on the caffeine to function properly. But in that moment, all that mattered was the taste, the aroma, and the sensation of the hot liquid flowing down my throat. It was the sweet nectar of life, the elixir of productivity, and the drug that kept me going.

Craig's POV: I saw Tweek's eyes shoot open as he let go of my hand and ran over to the coffee machine. He was like a kid in a candy store, it was pretty funny. He screamed something about meth, I couldn't really tell, his words were very slurred and I just rolled my eyes. He eagerly poured one cup and chugged it down despite it being burning hot. He then filled up another cup, chugged it, and another one, and another one.... jesus christ

I looked over at Cartman and Kenny who were at the slurpy machine. Cartman's mouth under the dispenser while kenny held the lever. "Ahhhhhhh" Cartman moans with his mouth wide open filling with slurpy. Kenny starts laughing as he cranks the lever making the slurpy overflow in Cartman's mouth, making a mess. Fucking dumbasses.

I glance back over at Tweek, "Tweek, you want any snaaaacks?" I ask him. "No, I'm good" he says while downing another coffee.

I went over to the other side of the gas station to grab some chips when I saw Stan and Kyle crouched down the ground, stuffing Stan's backpack with snacks and sodas while giggling like idiots.

"Ahaaahaa hurry up dude" Kyle says to Stan whilst looking around to make sure nobody was looking.

"Seriously..?" I ask them giving them a disappointed look.

Once they stacked his backpack with as much snacks and drinks as they could, Stan whispered "C'mon guys, lets go".

We all scurried out the doors, except for Kenny who was still inside.

I looked down at Tweek who was wiping the coffee off his lips with his sleeve, panting out of breath and his movements were frenzied and erratic, his limbs twitching and jerking as if they had a mind of their own.

"Ohhhh, Tweek's gonna go off his rocker, huh?" Stan says as we all stare at Tweek who currently looks like he's having an overdose.

"Hey, you good?" I ask Tweek, looking down at him concerned. "N-n-never b-better Craig" Tweek says slowly bringing his head up for our eyes to meet. His pupils were dilated, black voids that seemed to swallow up the color of his irises. He puts the biggest smile on his face brining his arm up, giving me a shaky thumbs up.

After a couple minutes Kenny came out with a smirk on his face, holding up a pack of cigarettes.

"Dude no wayyyyyy, how did you-" Stan says considering we are only 16.

"Gimme one" I say as Kenny tosses me the pack and his lighter. We started making our way back to Stan's house, skating, walking, smoking, and laughing at the dumbest shit when we heard someone shout "Hey fellas!"

"ahahahhaaaaaa guys look, it's butters" Kyle pointed at him across the street. "Oh shit bro" Kenny panicked dropping his cigarette and putting it out with his foot. I looked at him and smirked "Could you make it anymore obvious?" "Fuck off" Kenny said rolling his eyes. Kenny was the most reckless of the group yet always tried hard to not look too stupid around Butters, sucker had a huge crush and was terrible at hiding it.

As Butters started approaching us he asked "W-what's up with you guys, you all look kinda funny". We all stood there slouching, eye lids barely open, and smirking. He notices by our stance and the dark red color of our eyes, "Oh have you guys done drugs?!" Butters asked concerned.

"Why should you care, Butters, you lil pussy" Cartman says rolling his eyes. Kenny punched Cartman in the stomach, "We're just having some fun Marj" Kenny says, "You can join us if you wanna". "N-No that's okay, I gotta get back home before I get grounded, see you fellas later! Be safe!" Butters says while walking away and waving. Kenny's blushing with a smile on his face.

"Marj...really?" I ask Kenny, now we're all staring at him. "Shut up Craig, says you" he starts mocking me "Tweeeeeek, hooooneyyyy, babeee" All the boys start to laugh as Kenny mocks Craig and the names he uses for Tweek. I just flip him off. Tweek is blushing like crazy looking down at the ground.

"Let's head back to my place, I have the perfect idea of what to do" Stan says as he hops on his skateboard and we all follow.

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