。・:*:・゚★part five☆・゚。:⋆・*

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warning GAY!! AGAIN they are high as fuck, they finna be acting hella goofy bruh they ate a whole brownie and smoked


Craig's POV: Kenny and I started racing each other back to Stan's house on the skateboards while the others hung back and walked very slowly. We were both neck and neck almost the entire time until Kenny got up further the closer we got to Stan's. Right when he lands on Stan's driveway, he slips and falls. I was pretty close behind him so I didn't have time to react causing me to trip over Kenny resulting in us laying on the ground, covered in huge bloody gashes and scratches, with blood gushing out of my nose.


Uhhhhh- ooooooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwww"

We both groaned and lied there for a minute before getting up. "Fuck dude" I say while panting out of breath, wiping my nose and looking at my sleeve now covered in blood. We both just started laughing at each other, eventually getting up and walking to Stan's front door which was locked, so Kenny and I sat down on his porch steps waiting for the rest of the boys. He took out the pack of cigarettes and we both smoked one. I thought about Tweek and hoped that Stan, Kyle, and Cartman didn't say or do anything stupid to him.

After a few minutes, we could see Tweek, Stan, Kyle, and Cartman getting close.

Tweek jumps and gasps. "Wha- ohhhhhh..... what the fuck happened to you guys?" Stan groans while chuckling.

Kenny lifted up his skateboard which was now split into two pieces. The boys laughed at us and walked between Kenny and I, Stan unlocked the front door, letting us all in. Tweek grabbed my arm, helping me up "Jesus christ Craig" he screaches while looking up and down at all my wounds. "Aha---haaaaaaa..... i'm fineeeeeee" I groan smirking down at Tweek who is now wrapped around my arm. Once we got inside we all went upstairs to Stan's room. The second we walked in Stan opened his backpack, pouring out, displaying everything he "borrowed" from the gas station. "WHA-----OOOOOOH!!! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet" Cartman spurts out.

Kenny pulled out Stan's trey and started grinding weed and rolling joints. He passed Stan a joint and a lighter to which he lit and took a hit, passing it to me. I started taking a hit when I could feel the smoke filling my lungs and blood stream. Holy fuck this was crazy, I don't think I've ever been this high before.

I went to the bathroom take a piss or something, I don't know, when I noticed myself in the bathroom mirror. "God I look fucking stupid" I said to myself as I was covered in gashes and blood, running my fingers through my hair considering Tweek took my hat a while ago.

I heard the door knob start to turn and my eyes took my vision very lazily over to the opening door which was now shut with Tweek standing in front of it, looking up into my eyes and locking the door behind his back.

He stared into my eyes a little longer before moving his eyes down to my lips, slowly leaning forward. I don't know what came over me, but I eagerly grabbed his face with my hands and brought my lips to his, kissing him very passionately. I pulled him in closer by his waist before Tweek started rubbing his hands on the back of my neck and somewhat digging his nails into my skin. Tweek broke apart our lips as he started bending down, trailing his face and hands down my body. Once he reached my lower area, he stopped, looked up at me saying "Craaaiiigeeee" while smirking and undoing my pants......


"CRAIG!" My body jumps as I open my eyes to see Tweek grabbing my shoulders, shaking me as I'm laying in the bathtub.

"Craig what is it?"

"Huh....?" I groan while looking around confused.

"You told me to meet you in the bathroom" Tweek said furrowing his brows. "I did?" I ask while looking down at my lap.

Special Brownies (SP, CREEK/STYLE)Where stories live. Discover now