。・:*:・゚★part two☆・゚。:⋆・*

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Craig's POV: 7:00 rolls around and I realize I should probably go pick up Tweek and we could start heading to Stan's house. I knew we were gonna be late but I didn't give a fuck.

Once I arrived at tweeks house I sent him a text telling him I'm here. Tweek gets in the car and I could see the nervous look on his face that he tries to hide by smiling at me.

"Tweek, we won't go if you don't want to, I'm not making you do anything you're uncomfortable with" I say to him.

"N-NO! No, I'll be fine, I promise" Tweek twitches. I signed and pulled out of his driveway, making my way to Stan's house.

Once we arrived, I asked Tweek one more time before getting out of the car. "You sure babe? We can always go to my place and watch a movie or something"

Tweek looked up at me and smirked "Yeah... now I'm starting to think you're the nervous one" he says while unbuckling his seat belt.

"Nervous my ass" I roll my eyes at him while I open up the car door to get out.

We make our way up to Stan's front door and I give it a few loud knocks. Tweek and I look at each other as we could already smell weed coming from his house. "I knew these idiots would be pregaming" I say while opening the door letting Tweek and I in.

When we walk in we could hear those idiots laughing loud as fuck in the living room so Tweek and I made our way over.

"Guuuuuyyy's looooook, hehe, its Tweek and Craig" Stan draws his words out while pointing at us with a joint in between his fingers. "Oh jesus man" Tweek says as we look around the room to see the four boys lazily laying across the couches and chairs.

"Jesus christ how much did you guys smoke already" I say to them, furrowing my brows. Kyle slowly gets up from the couch, dizzily making his way over to Tweek and I. "Barely anything yet, come on dude" Kyle says while grabbing both mine and Tweek's arms dragging us over to join them. We sit down next to each other and Stan hands me the joint. As I take it from his hands I glance over at Cartman who its just laying there looking out into space with his mouth wide open going "keeeeeewwwwwlllll"

"What's up with fatass" I say to the boys while I take my first hit.

Stan and Kyle burst out laughing. "Fuck off Craig, lemme float through space in peace" Cartman says very slowly while laughing. "You're retarted" I say while blowing out a huge cloud.

I look over at Tweek, "You wanna try?" I ask while handing him the joint.

"Uh yeah, s-su-sure" Tweek hesitantly takes the joint, his skin was cold as our fingers touched. I smirk at him. He's such a pretty boy.

Tweek takes a hit off the joint and slowly blows the smoke out while coughing a little bit. I give him a pat on the back considering this is the first time he's tried weed and he's not totally losing his shit.

*cough* *cough* "Holy shit dude" Tweek says while wiping away some tears his eyes formed from coughing.

Tweek's POV: As the smoke filled my lungs, I felt a warm tingling sensation start to spread through my body. At first, I wasn't sure if I was doing it right. I watched my friends smoke before me, but it still felt strange to draw smoke into my lungs. But as I exhaled, I felt a sense of relaxation wash over me.

"Good shit, right" Stan says while walking towards the kitchen to grab the batch of brownies.

Craig's POV: Tweek and I took a couple more hits, I was starting to feel pretty chill and Tweek wasn't hesitant to take more hits, making me think he must be doing okay so I gave his thigh a squeeze. I then passed the joint over to Kenny who was sitting on the ground with a bong in his lap. I glanced at his eyes while passing the joint, it looked like his eyelids were trying to carry the weight of the world, it was pretty funny.

In the mean time, Kyle was over at the TV struggling to set up guitar hero, as the cords were knotted up.

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