。・:*:・゚★part eight☆・゚。:⋆・*

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2:30 am

Kyle's POV: After staying in the bathroom for a while and gathering my thoughts, I decided I just needed to brush this off for right now, plus Stan is fucked up, maybe he didn't know what he was saying. Ughhh forget it. I leave the bathroom to go join the rest of the guys in Stan's room.

Kenny was setting Stan down on his bed, letting him rest. "Imma put a movie on" Kenny says while reaching for the remote on Stan's nightstand. He then starts switching through the channels trying to find something good to watch. "Guys, look at this" Kenny said aiming the remote at the TV.

"South Park....? I say furrowing my brows. "That show looks totally lame" Craig says rolling his eyes. Kenny proceeds to look for a movie until he came across one that looked decent and decided to let it play.

Craig's POV: Tweek and I were laying on the ground with some pillows and blankets, I put my arm around him and he looked to his side, grabbing my hand and looking at my bloody knuckles. "Ya know, I can protect myself C-Craig" Tweek said looking up at me. "I know honey but I couldn't stand him anymore" I looked down at him. He looked up and smiles, letting go of my hand.

I started playing with his hair and running my fingers through it. His eyelids were getting heavier and heavier until I realized he had dozed off. As he laid in my arms, I felt a sense of completeness wash over me. Tweek's body fit perfectly against mine, and I held him close, savoring the softness and warmth of his skin. I moved my hand underneath his shirt and traced my fingers along his spine, smiling at the way his body responded to my touch. As I looked down at his peaceful expression, I knew I would do anything to keep him safe and happy, for as long as I lived.

I moved my eyes to the TV watching for just a bit until I myself started feeling my eyelids close.

Kyle's POV: I was sitting down at the edge of Stan's bed watching the movie when I felt something tap me. I turned around to see Stan gesturing for me to come over to him. I scooted my way up the bed to sit next to Stan. "What?" I wispered to him considering Kenny, Tweek, and Craig were already asleep.

"I-I'm sorry Kyle..." Stan says making eye contact with me. I huffed and looked the other way.

"I-I-I didn't mean i-it and I hope we can still be friends" Stan says grabbing my hand, brining my attention back to him.

Seriously? H-He just wants me to forget what he said and continue being his friend like nothing happened? I thought to myself in frustration.

I signed while laying down so now I was laying next to Stan, I then turned my head where his face was and we were just inches apart.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever" I say while taking my eyes off of him and looking up at the ceiling.

"I love you Kyle" Stan quietly says while squeezing my hand, looking at me.

In that moment, I realized that even though we didn't have all the answers, it was okay. Maybe this was just the push we needed to confront our own feelings. I knew that we would figure it out eventually, and that we didn't have to do it alone.

We both laid there for a minute, my mind was racing with different thoughts and emotions and I'm sure Stan's was too. We were both laying on our backs looking up at the ceiling. Stan turned his body onto his side so he was facing me. I also turned towards him.

"Ya know, I never got to finish my dare..." Stan whispered. I began to blush.

"Yeah cuz that "gay" remember?" I say back while rolling my eyes, repeating what Stan said earlier. I looked back at him "Yeah but only if you like it..." Stan said smirking, he face was starting to inch closer and closer to mine.

Ugghhhhhhh, who's to say I won't like it though, I thought to myself.

As Stan got closer and closer, he took his hand and gently grabbed the side of my face, brining his lips to mine.

As our lips met, time seemed to slow down. The world faded away. It was a feeling unlike any other, a mix of excitement and nervousness, of vulnerability and trust. In that moment, everything felt right, as if they had finally found the missing piece they had been searching for.

Stan then pulls back, still holding my face, looking into my eyes. He stared at me for a few more seconds, smiling. This made me confused, Stan claims he's straight, tells me he wishes I was a girl, and now is kissing me. I felt my emotions boiling up inside me and I couldn't help but blurt out-

"Well.... did you like it?!" I said

Stan let go of my face, broke our eye contact and started scratching the back of his neck "Uhhhh, d-did you...?".

"N-No! O-Of course not" Kyle started before Stan quickly said "Y-Yeah n-no, me tooooooo, that totally wasn't gay"

I couldn't help but smirk at Stan, seeing him all flustered. It was blatantly obvious that he was lying. He looked down at my smiling lips "W-What?!" Stan asked frantically. "Mhhmmmmmm" I say smiling more, closing my eyes and grabbing Stan's body, pulling him closer to me. "D-Dude, w-what?!" Stan said as we were both giggling now.

"You're so stupid Stan" I said while laying my chin on the top of his head, as he nestled his head into my chest, breathing in his scent. I could feel him smiling as he squeezed me a little harder.

As they embraced, the warmth of their bodies mingled, and they held each other as if they would never let go. It was a hug that conveyed all the emotions and affection we had for each other. It was a moment of pure bliss in a world. We stayed like that for a few minutes, lost in our own worlds, when we started drifting off, being the last two in the room to fall asleep.

Monday morning at school (3 days later)

Craig's POV: "Cmonnnn dude, that was like literally forever ago" I heard Cartman's whinny as voice say to me. He was begging me to move and and forget Friday night. Without even looking down at him I flipped him off and continued walking down the hallway of the school. I ran into Stan, Kyle, Kenny, Butters, and Tweek who were all talking to each other.

"YOU GUYS KISSED?!" Kenny shouts with his eyes wide open, looking at Stan and Kyle. "Woah woah woah, what the fuck is going on" I ask while approaching them, putting my arm around Tweek's waist. "Dude, Tweek, Butters, and I were walking up to Stan and Kyle and we heard them say something about kissing on Friday night!" Kenny shouts in excitement. Stan and Kyles faces turned bright red.

It was a night none of the boys would forget.


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