。・:*:・゚★part seven☆・゚。:⋆・*

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TW: Violence & Puking!!!

Craig's POV: "HAHA now you look just like the faggy methhead" Cartman laughed while pushing Tweek.

"Watch it fatass" I saw while stepping in front of Tweek, getting in between him and Cartman.

"Awwwwhhhh you protecting your little boy toy..?" Cartman says while pouting, looking up at me giving puppy eyes.

I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Typically, I would be able to brush off the stupid shit Cartman says but I'm not letting him talk to or touch Tweek like that. Every fiber of my body being was consumed with anger as my fists clenched tightly. I grabbed Cartman by his collar, slamming him hard against the wall. I felt the satisfaction of the impact reverberating through my body, the sound of his body meeting and breaking the tiled wall filled the air. I kept a blank expression on my face while grabbing Cartman's neck "Do you want me to kick your ass?" I say while glaring into his eyes. "Pfffffttt yeah right Craig, you would never, you're pussy!" Cartman said back while rolling his eyes smirking.

"U-Uhhh... Cartman, I would shut up if I were you..." Stan starts to say-"No dude, let him have it" Kyle says smiling, jabbing Stan with his elbow.

I wind my arm back bringing my fist to his face, each punch landing with a sickening thud against his face. I could feel the hot blood pumping through my veins. Cartman's face formed a smirk, only adding fuel to my fire.

For a moment, it looked like Cartman was trying to fight back. But he quickly crumpled under the onslaught, his body slumping against the wall. I continuously beat him and didn't care about the pain in my knuckles, or the blood streaming down Cartman's face..

Kyle leaned back against the bathroom counter, crossing his arms and enjoyed watching, smiling and nodding. Stan stayed back as well, knowing Cartman deserved it and Kenny was laughing. I continued to beat his pathetic face until it was dripping with blood.

"OKAY! OKAAAYYY!!!!" Cartman shouts while panting out of breath. I pull my hand back, heavy breathing, still holding onto his collar.  I stared at the fatass for a little longer then I started to let go of him. He had a black eye, a busted lip, and a bloody nose. Basterd deserved more though.

Once I let go of him, he paints "Dude.... you suck Craig" Cartman leans against the wall, bending down, putting his hands on his legs with his head down.

I turned around to face Tweek, who had backed up far away from me. "C-Craig.... you didn't have to do that..." Tweek stutters while walking up to me, grabbing my bloody hands, looking at them. "I know" I sigh, blowing the hair out of my face, "but I wanted to" I say while wiping my bloody hands off on my shirt.

"You know what Cartman, why don't you just go home for the night" Stan said while shrugging bringing his attention to the ground. "Fine, I don't wanna be hanging out with you fags anyways" He says while getting up, walking downstairs, exiting out Stan's front door.

"Dude that was sick, you should kick his ass more often!" Kyle said, giggling as we all leave Stan's bathroom to go back to his room. "He's a fucking asshole" I say while rolling my eyes, squeezing Tweek's hand.

Kenny pulls out a handful of pipes, "Anyone wanna play strip choker?" he says while grinning displaying all of the pipes on his hands.

"What the hell is that?" Kyle asks. "We all take a hit at the same time, who ever coughs or exhales first has to remove an article of clothing" Kenny says while laughing and packing one of the pipes.

"Kenny........" Stan says closing his eyes, rubbing his forehead. "Chiiiillllll, I'm just playin....... unless anybody actually does wanna play....." Kenny says the last part quietly while bringing the pipe to his lips, lighting it.

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