。・:*:・゚★part three☆・゚。:⋆・*

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remember they are very high, acting stupid, and not knowing what's really going on!!!!

(also I myself am verry high rn writing this so it might be ass)


Craig's POV: Kyle finally got guitar hero ready and shouts "STAN YOU READY TO GET YOUR ASS KICKED" as Stan is walking back into the living room, holding the bag of brownies, "Shut up Kyle, we both know I'm the better one" he says smiling, setting down the bag of brownies in my lap to join Kyle in the game. Kenny and Cartman have their eyes glued to the screen, watching Stan and Kyle play A Match Into Water by Pierce The Veil.

I looked down in my lap at the bag of brownies and took one out and gave it to Tweek, then took another out. I tried it first considering that Tweek looked a little hesitant, but shortly after I took a bite, he did too. We both looked at each other and shrugged, it tasted pretty normal to me. So we both continued until both of our brownies were fully gone.

"Pass the brownies over nya" Cartman cried out while lifting his arm up, pointing to himself. I got up to go hand Cartman the bag. "Watch it tubby, your only supposed to have a bite" Stan shouts back at him.

I froze for a second and my eyes shot wide open. "Wait, what?" I say slowly turning towards Stan.

"Well yeah, we don't want to die" Stan says chuckling.

"W-WHAAATT, OH JESUS MAN" Tweek screeches while pulling on his hair, "WE'RE GONNA DIE!"

"Ohhhhh shit, don't tell me you two-" Kyle starts to say when Stan interrupts him "You guys will be fine, well I don't really know, but, no yeah, i-its fine" Stan says as he rubs the back of his neck. Kenny starts giggling.

"AHHHHHHHH" Tweek continues, I quickly go back over to him, making sure I move his hands to prevent him from ripping out his hair and hurting himself any further. I look him in the eyes and tell him everything is going to be okay, "Tweek, you're fine, everything is gonna be fine... uhhhhh ...... we'll just be a little extra high....., but who cares its all going to be okay and it'll go away in a few hours". I've smoked before, but never done edibles, I assume whatever we go through can't be too intense, to be honest I'm excited to be absolutely faded.

I saw Tweek start to settle down causing a wave of relief go through my body. I hated seeing him worry I was proud of him for starting to overcome some of his anxiety.

We knew that the edibles would take a while to kick in so we just enjoyed our current buzz from a couple hits off the joint.

We all took turns playing guitar hero against each other for about an hour. I can't remember when this started by my vision began to blur from all the action. I decided to sit down on the couch. As I sank into the plush cushions of the couch, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of contentment. It was like laying on a cloud, the softness enveloping my body and making me feel weightless. I stretched out my legs feeling the velvety fabric of the couch against my skin. It was like nothing I had ever experienced before. I closed my eyes and let myself drift away, lost in the blissful feeling of comfort and relaxation. I started to smile uncontrollably considering the extremely comfortable position I was in....

"A-ha-aha dude look at your boyfriend" Cartman shouted while pointing at the very content and very cozy boy on the couch. Tweek turned around to see Craig.

Tweek's POV: I turned around not expecting the sight I saw, Craig conked out on the couch. It made me laugh and I started walking towards him. My legs were wobbleing and I could definetly feel the weed starting to go through my system. I was surprisingly okay, it wasn't making me worry, if anything, I felt more at peace.

As I approached Craig, I could see the rise and fall of his chest, the slow and steady rhythm of his breathing. His features were softened, his face free of any tension or stress. I couldn't help but feel a sense of warmth and tenderness as I looked at Craig. It was as if he had let down his guard and revealed a vulnerable side of himself that he rarely showed to the world. I tapped him on the shoulder. "mmMMmmm wake uuuppp" I groan. I started poking him harder considering he wasn't even fazed yet. I was starting to feel the effect the weed had on me intensify. My body felt heavy and weightless at the same time. My senses were heightened, and everything around me seemed to take on a new and fascinating dimension.

I couldn't help but laugh as my thoughts began to wander, taking me on a wild and meandering journey through my mind. It was as if a door had unlocked in my brain, allowing me to access thoughts and emotions that had been buried deep within me. I savoring the way it made me feel. It was as if I had discovered a new world, one that was full of wonder and excitement.

I looked at the string on the side of his hat and slowly started to pull it off. I took his hat and put it on my head and ruffled my fingers through his dark hair. It felt like silk..... mmmm, it was soft, veeeeeeeeeeryyyyyyy soft,

The softness of his hair against my fingertips was like silk, each strand silky and smooth. I felt a sense of intimacy and closeness as I explored the texture and thickness of his locks. I noticed the way he relaxed into my touch, his breathing slowing and becoming more even. It was as if my touch had the power to soothe and comfort him, to ease his worries and calm his mind.


I-I  wonder what it would taste like.....? Tweek started leaning his head towards Craig face-

Craig's POV: I opened my eyes and I was laying on a couch some where with Tweek running his hands through my hair. As I looked at him, I felt my heart skip a beat. It was as if I was seeing him for the first time, noticing all the little things that made him unique and beautiful. His head was directly above me and I could see his very red eyes staring at my...... hair.......?. His mouth was open and he was drooling, slowly leaning forward.

"Tweek...?" I say and his eyes shot open.

He gasped and stared at me then started smiling.

"Craaaaiiiggg yaaaaayyyyy, guys he's awakeeee" Tweek says very eagerly grabbing a fist full og my hair and slightly shaking my head back and forth.

I sat up, remembering the current state I'm in. I was in Stan's living room with him, Kyle, Kenny, Cartman, and Tweek. Holy shit we're just stoned as fuck right now, I thought in my head. Fuck, I gotta get myself under control.

I stand up taking Tweek off of my lap and setting him back down on the couch when Kenny mumbles "Mmmmhph mmmph phmmmphhphmmm" through his jacket.

"Kinny's right lets go get some snacks I'm starving, I've got the --" Cartman spoke as Stan and Kyle interrupt him, both speaking at the same time "Munchies...    yeah we know"

AYE! Cartman screamed.

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