。・:*:・゚★part six☆・゚。:⋆・*

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10:45 pm

Tweek's POV: I walked into Stan's room to see all the boys sitting on the ground, talking, and hanging out. Stan's room had the lights off with various lamps and christmas lights of all different colors lighting up the room. Kenny and Stan were focused on grinding more weed and starting to pack the bowl of a bong. "S-s-seriously..... we-were doing more..? I asked while slouching down to join them on the ground, my eyelids felt super heavy.

"Wudyamean brah we just the got snacks" Cartman snickers looking over at me, "We're just getting started" Stan says also looking over at me, grinning. Oh jesus.

Craig's POV: I barged back into Stan's room where all the boys where sitting on the ground, Tweek sitting closest with his back facing the door, so I snatched my hat back from off his head while stepping over him to go sit down on the other side of the room. I looked back at him smirking knowing it would get a reaction out of him. His face looked surprised until our eyes met and he huffed looking away from me, blushing, messily brushing his hands through his hair.

"Hey Stan, you got a shirt I could borrow?" I say while glancing down and my shirtless body which was now covered in bandages. Tweek probably put on way more than necessary, I noticed, grinning.

"Yeah, here you go" Stan says while tossing me a shirt from across the room. I looked over at Kenny who was still covered in dry blood, with a ripped, dirty shirt. He didn't even bother changing, he was kind of a dirty kid to be honest so it wasn't that surprising.

"You guys know the best way to get fucked outta ur mind?" Kenny asks, looking up from the bowl he was packing-"Lets play a game"

"Tweek, truth or dare?" Knny shouts while looking over at Tweek.

"GAH-W-w-why me first?!" Tweek jumped.

"Cuz, now pick" Kenny demands back at him.

"U-uhhhhhh..... truth.....?" Tweek drew out his words in confusion.

"What's the dirtiest thing you and Craig have done?" Kenny asks.

"WHAT-W-why would you want to know that?!" Tweek says shifting his eyes, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment. I looked at him and smirked, once he saw me he instantly avoided looking at me.

"Don't wanna answer means you gotta take a hit" Kenny says while passing Tweek the bong.

Tweek sighed and grabbed the bong, lighting it after fidgeting with the lighter for a minute, taking a hit probably way bigger than he expected. He blew the smoke out coughing, filling the room with haze. "Jesus christ dude, save some for the rest of us" Kyle says while laughing at Tweek coughing.

We kept playing the game for a while, most of us not doing or revealing too much, that was until each of us were multiple bong hits deep.

"Ahahaaaaaaaaaaaa..... uhhhhhhh okay okay..... um, KYLE!" Cartman looks at him, "Truth or dare?"

"Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm............ I-I'll go for a dare" Kyle says.

"KYLE I DARE YOU TO PICK MY NOSE AND EAT IT" Cartman spurts out while laughing hysterically.


Cartman begins shoving his index finger knuckles deep into his nose, pulling out his finger and waving it at Kyle. "SICK DUDE, GET AWAY FROM ME!" Kyle screamed while scootching back. Cartman started turning towards Kenny-"I'll give you $10 Kinny" still holding his finger out.

"$10?!...... hmmmmm" Kenny signed, starting to lean forward towards Cartman's finger.

"EW- KENNY! NO!" Tweek twitched while diving his face into the palms of his hands, shielding his eyes.

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