Chapter 8

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I barely slept. I sit up and look around my room. I grab my phone, and scroll through the messages I got. I see that I have a message from Hyunjin, saying: 'You, Me, Breakfast?' I scoff, this guy knows how to get on my nerves. I send him a middle finger. Serves him right after what he did yesterday night.

I stand up. I can't stay in bed the whole day. I walk to my closet, and I feel like going extra today. I grab a black croptop without sleeves and dark green cargo pants. This will do for today, I don't have anything planned.

I put on the clothes I just chose and walk to the tiny bathroom. I look into the mirror, and I'm shocked to see the dark circles under my eyes. This is going to be a lot work to cover up. I grab my concealer and start working it away. After I'm done, I continue to do my make-up. I stare into the mirror. Yes, this look is fire.

I walk back to the kitchen. Suddenly someone knocks on my door. I sigh, and walk to the door, opening it. Jisung is standing there with Minho. 'Hey Y/N!' Minho says cheerful. I smile, these two know exactly how to cheer me up. 'Hey Minho, Hey Jisung.' I say. They smile at me. 'Do you wanna come to Starbucks with us?' Jisung asks. 'Yes! Let me grab my wallet!' I say, turning around, but Minho grabs my arm. 'I'll pay.' He says, smiling. I can't help but smile back. 'Thank you!' I say.

We walk to the elevators together. We're talking about which coffee we're going to take. I already know, the ice frappe for me. We arrive in the lobby, and we walk to the exit.

I feel a pair of eyes on me, and I turn to the right. I make eye contact with Hyunjin. I scoff, and roll my eyes. 'Let's go guys.' I say. They nod, and we walk away.

Hyunjin's pov
Is she mad at me again? I groan. Hwang Hyunjin! You're so fucking stupid! I don't want her to be mad at me! First, she send me a middle finger over text, now she scoffs when she sees me, and she rolls her eyes. What did I do wrong this time? I can't help but feel sad, knowing she's mad at me. I sigh. I thought we finally made it up! 

Wait. Is this about last night? I groan again. Yup, I'm definitely stupid. I did that without consent, and I never asked if it was okay! Oh my God- What if she thinks I'm a pervert? I can't have that! 


I'm such an idiot.


I watch, while Minho pays for our drinks. 'You don't have to pay, you know?' I say as we walk to our table. Minho just grins. 'I want to. Because you two are like my favourite people on this earth.' My heart melts at that. I smile at him. He smiles back at me. I sit down next to Jisung, and Minho sits in front of me. 'So have you heard about tonight?' Jisung asks me. I turn to him. 'Tonight?' I ask. 'Yea! We always have a party after a concert!' He says, smiling. 'I was hoping you'd come too!' 'I never heard anything about a party, but I'll ask Seungmin about it.' I say. Minho nods and Jisung smiles even more, if that's possible. 

A woman walks to us with our drinks. 'Enjoy!' She says, before walking away. I take my ice frappe from the tray. I take a sip, and I'm in heaven, this shit is so good. I see Jisung doing the same. 'I swear, I need to go to Starbucks more often.' I say. Minho nods, agreeing with me. 'Yes, it's hard for us though, people recognize us easily. I think you should start worrying about that too.' Minho says.

Fuck. Ofcourse. I need to start worrying about people knowing who I am. I'm now not just Y/N anymore. No I'm Y/N the sister of Seungmin. I groan. 'You're right, I didn't even think of that yet.' I say. 'Just try to stay away from stalkers and all that shit.' Jisung says, trying to cheer me up. I shoot him a small smile. 'This is going to be hell, isn't it?' I ask, looking at Minho. He shrugs. 'It was hell in the beginning, but after it's actually quite fun. The only thing that is annoying is that you always have to be fake. If you're in a bad mood, you can't show it. You have an idol image you have to keep up. Ofcourse, that will be different for you, because you're not an idol yourself.' Minho explains. I hum. 'That must suck.' I say, looking at Jisung. Knowing he can get anxiety attacks from to much pressure, or to crowded places. He just nods quickly, letting us know he doesn't want to talk about it. I shut my mouth about it, not wanting to make Jisung more uncomfortable.

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