Chapter 19 🔞

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Okay guys, I'm thinking of making this story like 20 chapters long. I mean I don't really know what to do more with this fanfiction. Keep looking at my account though! Because more fanfics are coming your way!

XX Aeris

Hyunjin and I sit down on the couch, next to Changbin. 'I hope you two showered.' He says, faking a disgusted face. I roll my eyes, pushing his shoulder. 'EW SEX DNA. CHAN HELP ME.' He whines. Chan doesn't even look up from his laptop, making me giggle as Changbin grumbles something under his breath.

Hyunjin and I put on a movie, cuddling with each other. Changbin also seems interested in the movie, because soon he's not looking at his phone anymore, but only looking at the tv screen with concentrated eyes. 

Chan couldn't give a fuck. I don't think he even looked away from his laptop for a second. He's probably busy with a new song.

I try to concentrate on the movie, but if I'm being honest, this is just not a movie for me. It's boring and I notice my eyes keep falling shut. Hyunjin also seems to notice as he smiles and strokes my hair. 'You can go to sleep.' He whispers in my ear, trying not to disturb Changbin from watching the movie. I smile up at him. 'I know.' I whisper back, making Hyunjin smile too.

I stand up. 'I'm going to sleep.' I say. Changbin looks up and nods. 'Goodnight Y/N.' Changbin says smiling. I smile back. 'Goodnight, Binnie.' I say, ruffling his fluffy hair. He finally let it like his natural hair, because I told him it looks great. 

I hear a small 'Goodnight' from Chan and I smile. I know he's busy working, so I really don't mind him acting like this. Hyunjin stands up too, but I push him back onto the couch. 'You're not tired, you can stay here, until you feel tired and then you can come join me.' I say, and he rolls his eyes annoyed that I know him to well.

I walk to Hyunjins bedroom, or more like OUR bedroom. I sleep here atleast twice a week. I walk to Hyunjins closet and pull one of his hoodies out. It's a white hoodie with some text at the front. I undress myself and slip into the hoodie, feeling the comfort of a way to big hoodie on me. I lay down under the covers, sighing. I'm happy. I'm really happy. 

I stare at the ceiling, rethinking of some memories me and Hyunjin made. How could we go from hating each other, to loving each other to the point of dying for each other. I softly laugh to myself. I'm really glad Seungmin asked me to come with them on their MANIAC tour. I don't think I would be so close with any member like this if I hadn't come. 

I slowly start to drift off to sleep.

I wake up by someone playing with my hair. I groan and open my eyes slowly, seeing Hyunjin staring at me with a smile. 'Hello there, pretty.' He says. I sit up, rubbing my eyes sleepily. He chuckles at my actions. 'You look like a small kid.' Hyunjin says, making me roll my eyes. 'Shut up.' I say. 'What time is it?' I ask, looking at Hyunjin. 'It's 3 in the morning.' He says. 

Damn. 3 in the morning? I lay back down and Hyunjin does the same, following my action. We lay down under the covers together. He quickly wraps his arms around my waist and I smile. He really is the best. I look at him, and he looks back at me. I peck his lips quickly and he smiles again.

I lay my head on his chest, and close my eyes. (the moment when I close my eyes all I see is red lights- OKAY SORRY) He continues to play with my hair. I notice myself falling asleep again. I can hear him say something, but I don't really hear it anymore, falling asleep before I get to know what he said.

I wake up, expecting to see Hyunjin on the other side of the bed, but my eyes widen when I realise he's not next to me. I sit up, confused and eyes wide. 'Hyunjin?' I yell, looking around. 

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