Chapter 15

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Hyunjin grabs my hand again. Did that really just happen? I look at the ground, blushing. This was not how I expected this date to end. 

He opens the door for me, not saying anything. It scares me that he isn't saying anything. What if he regrets kissing me like that? I mean, I would expect it, but it would still hurt for sure. 

He walks to the other side of the car, opening the door, and sitting down next to me. He has an unsure look in his eyes, what scares me even more. Without controlling it, tears start to swell in my eyes. He doesn't want me. He regrets it. I knew something like this will hapen.

Hyunjin's POV

My lips tingle, I can still feel her lips on mine. I smile a bit, I have wanted that to happen for ages! Does she like me too? I look at her, sitting next to my in my car. She's looking down, and I see a tear rolling down over her cheek. She's crying? Why is she crying? Did she not like it?

I turn to her, and make her look at my by hooking my finger under her chin. 'Why are you crying?' I ask. I'm concerned. What if I just did that, without her consent?! 'Nothing.' She says, turning away from me. My heart aches. 'Love, please tell me.' Love. Did I really just call her Love? She turns back to look at me. My heart aches more, as I see her make-up on her cheeks. 'You don't like me, do you?' She asks. My heart stops. Me? Not liking her? 'What?' I ask, making her cry harder. 'It's okay, I should've expected it.' She says, trying to wipe her tears away. 'No, Y/N. I like you so much. You have no idea. I loved this date, I had a lot of fun, and I'm so glad I can do this with you. I wouldn't want to do this with anyone else.' I say, making her eyes widen. 'You do?' She asks. I nod. 'I don't want anyone else, I want you, and you only.' I say. I see a small blush cover her cheeks, and she quickly wipes away her tears. 

'Are you okay n-' She cuts me off by placing her lips on mine. I'm surprised, but kiss back immediately. She pulls away. 'I like you too.' She says, smiling a bit. I smile back at her. 'Then, Y/N, do you want to be my girlfriend?' I ask, preparing for a rejection, because it's so soon. I hear Y/N giggle. 'Yes, Hyunjin. I would love to be your girlfriend.' She says, making my heart feel fuzzy. 


Hyunjin is my boyfriend. He's actually my boyfriend. I sit next to him in his car. He's driving towards my apartment, but I don't want to go home yet. I want to spend time with him. 'Hyunjin?' I ask, looking at him. He hums, keeping his eyes on the road. 'Can I stay over at yours?' I ask, making him look at me for a moment. He smirks. 'Sure.' He says. I smile. 

Hyunjin parks his in front of the dorms. He doesn't have an apartment, right. He shares a dorm with a few other Stray Kids members, that will be fun. 'You still want to stay over? The others will nag about tonight.' He says, turning towards me. I smile. 'Yes, I'm sure. We can tell them we're official, if you want.' I say. He grabs my hand and squeezes softly. 'I would love that.' He says, making eye contact. I almost melt at that moment. His eyes are so beautiful I can stare in them for ever. 

Hyunjin shares a dorm with Jisung, Chan and Changbin. 'I really hope they all have shirts on.' Hyunjin says, making me laugh. 'I'm serious, these guys don't even know what a shirt is. They walk around without a shirt a lot.' Hyunjin whines. I chuckle, making him pout.

Hyunjin steps out of the car. This time I open my own door. I told him he doesn't have to impress me like that. 

I get out of the car, and Hyunjin immediately grabs my hand. 'Shall we go inside?' He asks, smiling. I nod, smiling back at him.

He opens the door to the main living room. I see Jisung sitting on the couch, thankfully with a shirt on. 'I'm back!' Hyunjin calls out, making Jisung look at us. 'Y/NNN!!' Jisung says, as he jumps up and runs to me to give me a hug. I chuckle and hug him back. 'How have you been doing?' Jisung asks, making me giggle. 'You saw me like 3 days ago though!' I say, making him roll his eyes. 'Yea Yea. I mostly meant how did your date with Hyunjin go.' He says, smirking. 

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