Trials for a padawan

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That night on Dagobah, Revan could hardly sleep as his mind was drawn to the dark cave in the forest. Unable to resist the thought of entering despite master Yoda's advice, he got up and walked out of the hut. Master Yoda's eyes opened as he knew that his young apprentice would do such a thing.

Revan walked inside the cave, feeling cold and hate and anger from the cave. As he walked deeper, he saw a beast that was roughly humanoid but had blood red skin like fire and animalistic features with 9 tails. The beast roared and in his fear, Revan ran out the cave, panting heavily at the terrifying experience.

''Not ready you are, I told you.'' Yoda spoke, revealing his presence to his apprentice.

''Master Yoda. What was that creature?'' Revan asked.

''The cave, a nexus of the dark side, it is. What you saw, your inner darkness and fears, it was.'' Yoda informed him.

''My inner darkness and fears?'' Revan asked. ''Can it be connected to the past that I had forgotten?''

''Maybe, maybe not. Only the force knows. Still much to learn you still have, Revan. When the time comes, ready to enter that cave, you will be.'' Yoda said and walked back to the hut with his apprentice following him.

Weeks passed as Yoda continued to train Revan in the jedi ways. Yoda needed to be sure that in training Revan, he would not make the same mistakes he did. His latest apprentice had the same potential as his previous students like Dooku but was still susceptible to the dark side. He had to be flexible in teaching his new student The old traditions of the jedi were part of it's downfall to begin with. Instructions from the ghost of Qui-Gonn Jinn and lessons learned from Anakin Skywalker enabled Yoda to be more flexible in teaching Revan Morningstar.

Obi-Wan would visit at times to teach Revan things like how to pilot a ship or do repairs. Revan was no technician like Anakin Skywalker but was pretty good at it from master Kenobi's teachings. Obi-Wan too oversaw Revan's training at times and was glad to see some improvement with each visit.

Revan focused and was lifting 4 rocks up into the air. After he did so, Yoda then told him to lift a massive boulder. Revan exclaimed that it was impossible but Yoda only told him to do it. Revan tried his best but couldn't lift the massive boulder. ''It's no good, master Yoda. It's too big.'' Revan said as he walked to his master.

''Too much doubt in your mind, you have, Revan.'' Yoda replied.

''It's too big.'' Revan said with a slight bit of anger. ''Moving small rocks is one thing but this is entirely different.''

''No. Only different in your mind, it is.'' Yoda said with a calm voice.

''Okay. I'll give it a try.'' Revan said but before he did, Yoda said 'no'.

''Do or do not, there is no try.'' Yoda said, confusing his student.

''What does that even mean? How can I do something without even trying?'' Revan asked.

''Do or do not, there is no try. Whatever you do, fail or suceed, you can. But try, if you say, doubt in your abilities you do. No faith in yourself. Try not but do.'' Yoda explained and Revan tried once more to lift the boulder. He struggled but could only shake it. He fell down to his knees and panted. Yoda calmly closed his eyes and then, much to his student's awe and surprise, the boulder was lifted.

''I don't believe it.'' Revan muttered.

''That is why you fail.'' Yoda told his student. ''Trust in the force, you must for your greatest ally, it is. It flows through all things. In me, you, the rocks, the trees and every thing. Luminous beings are we not crude material. The force is in us... binds us... surrounds us... makes life grow. You must feel the force inside you as an ally. For a powerful ally it is.''

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