Revan vs the Hidden Cloud

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      -Hokage tower, Hidden Leaf-

After Revan had successfully made negotiations with the other nations, he led some task forces in raiding Sasuke's underground bases. No doubt the Uchiha was furious at the loss of slaves, experiements and soldiers. The manpower was reduced but still low compared to the tens of thousands that Sasuke still had. About a weak and a half after Revan's successful mission, the Raikage of the Hidden Cloud had became somewhat bold and demanded from the Leaf some demands as a way of appeasement. Mainly Hiashi's other daughter, Hanabi Hyuga, the return of jonin Samui, the surrender of the advanced technology and a few more. Given the Leaf's still weakened state and the Cloud having the 8 tails and a super chakra chakra weapon, he believed the Leaf to just accept.

One small mistake however was that though Tsunade was still the village leader, most of the shots was called Revan. ''In accordance with your demands, 4th Raikage,'' Revan said to the Raikage over on the screen, ''it is denied.''

''You brat!'' the Raikage roared in anger. ''My demands are not harsh. Give them to me and I will not destroy your weak village with the Hidden Stone.''

''I see a bully trying to intimidate those weaker than himself. Only this time, we stand firm in ourselves and are rid of our fears.''

''Then I will come with my whole army down upon you with the 8 tails and my chakra weapon.'' the Raikage threatened.

''Do not be proud of this technological terror you created, Raikage, for the ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force. Various governements of ages past have constructed superweapons but all of them were powered by the force. I warn you, stop your quest of power and I will spare your village.''

''Ha!'' the Raikage scoffed. ''You think a mere child like you can stop me? I don't care if you are THE Revan Morningstar, slayer of demons, hero of the people or not. I will come and destroy the Leaf and carry my rewards.''

''We shall see. We... shall... see.'' Revan said and ended the call.

''Nice talking, Naruto but even with your droids, we are still severly outmatched.'' Tsunade said, skeptical if her village can take on both Cloud and Stone. There was also the fear of Sasuke joining in as well.

''Don't be afraid, lady Hokage. I will deal with this problem. X-21, prepare my ship. When the Cloud starts to move, I'll intercept them.'' Revan said and used the satellites to learn of the Cloud and Stone's movements.

2 days of continous analyzing and Revan finally decided to act. The Cloud had it's navy move out and then were to meet up with the Stone's new Tsuchikage, the Stone ninjas and Stone navy in the east, near Water Country. Revan would destroy the two fleets and then face the two armies head on.

   -East coast, near Water Country-

The two armies met up and the ships docked near the island. The Raikage A and the Tsuchikage were planning on their strategies when they heard a noise far away. A black blur moved extremely fast towards the ships and then started firing at a small ship, destroying it. ''Revan.'' the Raikage said hatefully. ''Shoot that flying trash can out of the sky!'' he shouted, ordering his men to kill Revan.

Revan flew up to the sky and then downwards, shooting the ships and then dropped proton torpedos. The torpedo pierced the ship's armor and then exploded, taking out 2 smaller ships with it. Revan flew and blasted the ships continously, destroying more of them. He prepared the Umbaran plasma missiles which, in combination with the explosive tags, caused massive explosions. Revan flew up towards the island mountains to avoid incoming jutsu from the Cloud ninjas. He flew towards them again, spinning and blasting ships to shreds. ''BB-4, give me missiles.'' Revan said and his companion prepared the missiles.

Revan shot the missiles which blew up large ships in an instant. He was blasting and the ninja on the ship were massacred. Revan shot more missiles and the last of the ships were destroyed. ''Whoooo!'' exclaimed Tenten, annoying Jiraiya and Konan. ''That was awesome! When can we release these?'' she asked in reference to the scrolls containing hundreds of detonators.

''Hang on. Get them ready.'' Revan said and shot missiles at the Stone-Cloud encampment. He then flew upwards, avoiding the 8 tails strikes and out of the tailed beast bombs range. ''Now!'' Revan said and all 3 released dozens of scrolls. The scrolls unsealed hundreds detonators and explosive kunai which bombarded the two armies. Hundreds were brutally massacred. Revan, wearing his full armor, stood out atop his ship and faced them.

''Ah, Naruto. You have a ship. Why not just blast them?'' Jiraiya asked, wondering why his student didn't just blast the Raikage.

''The Raikage wants to face me personally. I will give him the fight of his life.'' Revan replied, jumping out of the Dawnseeker and activated the deflector shields.

''Now, you will die Morningstar!'' the Raikage shouted and his minions came charging to attack Revan.

Revan ignited his lightsaber and charged at the army. He sliced the first three and then unleashed force lightning on them. He force pushed some back and then jumped up and started cutting many into pieces. He flew up via his jetpack and took out his blaster. He was firing at them and threw some detonators. He unleashed his flame thrower and cut a mud dragon apart. His armor protected him from a wind attack and he threw back an incoming fireball. Revan flew upwards to avoid the 8 tails strikes and towards the sea. There, Revan patiently waited and once the 8 tails was near, his friend, the kraken, came out to attack the 8 tails. ''Thank you friend.'' Revan said as he didn't consider the kraken a pet but a friend. He telepathically warned his kraken friend about the 8 tails tailed beast bomb then flew back to fight the ninjas.

Revan charged himself up and then unleashed force lightning in a massive burst. He disintegrated dozens in a single attack then avoided the Raikage's fast attack. Revan heard a battle cry and saw hundreds of Leaf ninja and battle droids come to fight alongside him. ''You brat!'' the Raikage shouted. ''I will kill you for this slaughter.''

''Gale style: laser circuis.'' the Raikage's second top jonin, Darui of the black lightning, shot out laser missiles but Revan's armor protected him. Thank the force he had it upgraded with Snow Country's chakra armor, courtesy of Koyuki.

''Lariat bolt of pain: chop!'' A struck at Revan who dodged the strike but barely.

Revan struck at the Raikage with his lightsaber but was shocked to see it unable to pierce the lightning armor. Unexpected but it didn't mean he was out of options. Revan used his lightsaber to block the Raikage's fast and powerful blows. He flew up and fired his flame thrower to distract the Raikage. He threw detonators that caused an explosion and then he used his jetpack and chakra shield to ram the Raikage through a boulder. The Raikage in anger punched Revan hard several feet away and then charged at him. Revan shot out force lightning to shock the Raikage though the lightning armor sort of prevented that. Revan took his option and infused his lightning into his lightsaber to make his 'lightning saber'. He surged forward at the Raikage then managed to pierce the lightning armor with help from the force and then the Raikage's own flesh.

''Now sleep.'' Revan said and used the force to dominate the Raikage's mind, making him fall asleep. Killer B and the last of the Cloud ninja came to their leader's side. ''He is not dead, just knocked out. Take him and return to the Cloud. Strike again and I will not show the same mercy for a second time.'' Revan warned them and they wisely decided to retreat.

After that, the Leaf force went back home. Revan felt Sasuke's plan of attack approaching and his old master at his death.

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