The finale

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               -current year: 9 ABY-

The Galactic Civil War rages on. It had been 9 years since the Battle of Yavin, in which the first Death Star was destroyed by the alliance to restore the republic. 5 years since the Battle of Endor in which Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader both perished along with the second Death Star. The planet of Elemental Prime joined the alliance soon afterwards and helped the rebels in the war.

After Palpatine's death, the empire split up into multiple different regions as imperial commanders carved out their own territories. Grand Vizier Sate Pestage tried to keep the empire unified but few imperials followed his orders or recognize him. His second in command, Ysanne Isard, head of Imperial Intelligence would betray him. Coruscant had fallen to the alliance, now the New Republic and Isard fled the planet aboard the secret super star destroyer, Lusankya, hidden beneath Coruscant't surface. However, New Republic forces eventually captured the Lusankya, making it the most powerful ship in the alliance navy, and the wife of Wedge Antilles would kill Isard.

Of the different warlord, none were as powerful as warlord Zsinj. A brilliant military genius, he carved out the largest splinter faction with a super star destroyer called the Iron Fist at his command. He was high on the Republic's target list. Eventually, Zsinj would be killed in 8 ABY in the Battle of Dathomir where Han Solo delivered the finishing shot. Other factions included the Greater Maldrood and the Pentastar Alignment but none posed a threat as great as that presented by Grand Admiral Thrawn.

The last grand admiral currently alive, Thrawn unified much of the empire and went on a campaign to destroy the New Republic and establish his own empire. Many imperial factions, save the Pentastar Alignment, joined Thrawn and he was in the position to destroy the New Republic. But as fate would have it, the Republic still had one last piece of hope.

Ezra Bridger's transmission revealed the location of Exegol. On that dark planet, sith cultists and loyal imperials were building a shadow fleet with the most powerful ship in existence, the Eclipse class dreadnought. Hidden in that planet were clones of Palpatine as well as plans for Operation: Shadow Hand. The dreadnought and the ships may very well be the New Republic's one hope of victory against Thrawn. The Chiss grand admiral had already decided where the final battle will be held: the shipyards of Bilbringi.

It was upto Revan Morningstar and his strike force to infiltrate Exegol, destroy the Palpatine clones, secure the dreadnought and bring it to Bilbringi as quickly as they can.

         -Exegol, Unknown Regions-

The Dawnseeker led a strike force of 3 squadrons of X-wings, a squad of Y-wings, a few frigates and 2 cruisers to secure the ships on Exegol. Plan was to eliminate the forces present and then commandeer the ships. The strike force arrived on Exegol and Revan felt cold upon seeing the planet. ''Exegol. If there is a dark center of the galaxy, this is it.'' Revan muttered as he contacted his strike force. ''We're here boys and girls. Commander Bridger says this is the place.''

His strike team included his friends from his planet. The girls, team 10, Shino Aburame, Rock Lee, Tenten, Gaara and his siblings were there as part of his strike team. Given that Exegol's defenses and manpower was unknown, he needed all the help he could muster. ''This is Blue Leader, standing by Revan.'' the leader of one of the X-wings said on the comms. ''Readings show strangely enough that there are no orbital defense stations but the ground, particularly the citadel is full of turbolasers and other cannons.''

''We first strike there first. Have the ground units ready for deployment.'' Revan said as the Dawnseeker and the starfighters came down to face the citadel defenses. ''Launch ion torpedos. Disable the citadel.'' Revan ordered and the ships did so. The citadel was disabled and the ground forces landed on the planet.

Soldiers transported to Exegol had came out to attack them in overwhelming numbers but Gaara could take care of that. ''Sand tsunani.'' he made a gigantic wave of sand that attacked the storm troopers. The strike force then continued moving forward as the starfighters provided cover for them, destroying the deployed walkers.

Revan jumped out the Dawnseeker and then cut the legs of an AT-AT. He threw grenades which blew up a dozen storm troopers and charged into the citadel. Tenten threw up scrolls and both Temari and Shizuka used a wind jutsu to blow them to the storm troopers. The scrolls contained bombs that blew up the ground defenses. The strike force managed to get inside the citadel and blast the troopers coming to intercept them. After 20 minutes of fighting, the citadel was in Republic hands. They entered the lower levels to find the Palpatine clones and the hidden ships.

''So many ships... all constructed in secret for Operation: Shadow Hand. The emperor's return.'' Revan remarked. ''Has the Eclipse been located?''

''Yeah. Here in orbit on the far side of the planet.'' Wedge Antilles said over on the comms. ''Putting coordinates now. See you on Coruscant, Revan.''

''I'll see you there.'' Revan replied and turned off his comms. ''Place detonators on the cloning tubes. Hack the system to know anything of use. Plant the control system into as many of the ships as possible and meet back on Coruscant.''

''Sir!'' the Republic soldiers saluted Revan and went to their duties. The Elemental strike force also helped the soldiers.

Within minutes, at least 20 allegiance class star destroyers were hacked with a few more other ships. The rest of the citadel was planted with bombs. They flew out the planet with the ships following them and they blew up the citadel. Destroying Palpatine's clones and one step closer to the end of the war.


After the ships jumped to Coruscant, special crew were sent to operate the ships. The newly gathered fleet went to Bilbringi to help the Republic navy end Thrawn. In a twist of events however, Grand Admiral Thrawn was assassinated and his forces retreated. The Galactic Civil War lasted another 3 years till the signing of the Galactic Concordance. The Imperial Remnant under Gilad Pellaeon were officially recognized as a legitimate government and both sides ended hostilities.

The new order under Luke Skywalker and Revan grew to be better than the old one, reforming it's traditions so as to not repeat the mistakes of the past. Unlike the old order, the new one was not active in galactic politics instead staying true to their role as peace keepers. Luke married Mara Jade and Revan had multiple wives. His children becoming strong in the force and trained to become jedi like their father.

The data plans on Exegol revealed a threat called the far outsiders or the Yuuzhan Vong coming in from outside the galaxy. With this information in hand, both the New Republic and Imperial Remnant built up their forces to combat the Vong. When the Vong did invade, the galaxy was prepared but over a hundred and fifty five trillion people would perish. The new jedi themselves were barely able to give an advantage but in the end, the galaxy had prevailed.

Revan Morningstar or Naruto Uzumaki had lived a very long and prosporous life. He saw the fifth generation of his family and breathed his last and became one with the force.

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