05| The Night Hunter

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Immortal Tears

Immortal Tears

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Chapter 05•

Year : 1818
Location : Minimbah, New South Wales
Y/n's old name : Edith Julia Griffin

                               Edith came forward along a secret tunnel from the mansion and stepped out of a cave near the beach. Because the door of the tunnel and the lever that could open the door was made out of stone, even if someone came to the cave they wouldn't even imagine that there is a secret tunnel there. Edith was very impressed with the location and technology of the mansion and the tunnel. She walked along the beach and entered the road to the village.

                                    Edith's whole night was spent sneaking around the village. Except for a few lovers whom secretly sneaks to meet each other, few drunken villagers and a few troublemakers, no one caught her eyes in the whole night. Although it discouraged her to some extent, she decided not to care about it.

                                     This stranger who was walking around the village dressed in hunting clothes and holding a bow in one hand only saw by one young man who was returning home after meeting his love. The young man went home with fear of being killed, but Edith didn't seem to care that much about him.Since she didn't find what she was looking for, Edith decided to go back to the mansion.So she started walking along the cart road from the village to the town.

                            At that time, Edith heard a voice that increased her interest.As soon as she heard the sound of the horse cart coming from a distance, Edith who was hiding behind a tree on the side of the road, looked at the horse cart that was slowly advancing with a sharp eyes.Both the charioteers were drunk, so the horse cart moved very slowly. The charioteers were did not take it seriously. Edith saw that they were talking loudly and moving forward without any bother.

"Is it true that there are muggers on this road, Joseph?"

" I am new to this job, just like you... When I was given the job, they told me such a story like that. But I think they said that because they know that we drink at night perhaps to scare us"

"Huh, they're clever "

"We are too clever not to be fooled by that "

" Absolutely "

                          According to the chat of the charioteers and because of the logo drawn on the horse cart, Edith understood that she had found what she was looking for. Edith also knew very well what she have to do. In the next moment corresponding to it, Edith took an arrow in her hand, aimed it at a wheel of the horse cart and released it. The cart completely collapsed on the side of the road.

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