06| Han and his Noona

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Immortal Tears

Immortal Tears

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Chapter 06•

" Peter!!? "

" Noona!? "

" Y/n!!!? "

" Chris !!? "

                       Surprised by the unexpected meeting Y/n, Han and Chris all three yelled each other's names at the same time. Meanwhile, Hyunjin and Jeongin didn't say a word and looked at Y/n and each other's faces.

"Peter, come here..."

" Noona, that name- " That's all Han got to say, y/n glanced at Chris once, hold Han's hand and disappeared into the crowd.

"NOONA!? " Chris looked at the others with a confused look, hoping for some kind of help.

"Isn't it that girl- hyung?" Jeongin tried to confirm what he saw while he elbowing Hyunjin.

"Yes... red hair, blanked eyes, savage voice... it's her" Hyunjin said it like he was just talking to himself.

" Wait a minute- do you guys know her too? " Chris looked at Jeongin and Hyunjin with an incredulous look.

" Yeah... we saw that girl at Woolworths. she is that fearless girl we talked about " When Hyunjin said that, Minho looked at Chris with a thoughtful look on his face.

"Then how do YOU know her, Chris?" Jongin's and Hyunjin's eyes turned to Chris again after Minho asked that.

" Good question" Seungmin looked at Chris like a detective.

" Remember i said i met one of my exes ? , it was her " Looking out from the corner of his eyes at the direction where y/n had been dragged Han, Chris crossed his chest with his hands out of curiosity.

" woah... " The surprised sound was came from Jeongin's side.


"Noona!!! What are you doing here? " As soon as Han came out with y/n from the back door of the club , he asked it in an unbelievable voice.

"It was me who supposed to ask that... because this is my homeland "

" Oh right... Sorry noona "

" Nevermind, Why did Peter came here, did your uncle came with you too? "

" Noona... i'm not Peter anymore,Now i'm Han Jisung. Call me Han if it's okay " When Han said that with a adorable smile, y/n placed her hand on her forehead.

𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 | Skz Lee Felix | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now