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Immortal Tears

Immortal Tears

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Chapter 10•

Year : 1818
Location : Minimbah, New South Wales

" Lord Clark and Sir Tomgallon has come to see you, my lady "

" What!? Who!? "

" Lord Clar- "

"  Mother of god! someday I will die at this rate whereas I cannot bear the things those men do " Saying that to herself, Edith got up from the chair holding the long gown in her hands and quickly walked towards the guest room. With terror in her eyes, She opened the door that made out of ivory by pushing it with her hands. Eric, who was checking on a small marble statue in his hands, raised his head and looked at Edith with a charming smile and gestured towards her.

" Why you came here? " She asked from Eric in a very cold tone. Matthew, who was already sitting comfortably, got up from his seat like a convict destined for the gallows.

" You told us to come" Eric answered very lightly.

" Me!? For what!? When!? "

" According to Matthew, it was the day of the ball. You told it to matthew-  "

" Ohh.... " She suddenly remembered something. Edith looked at Matthew with an apologetic look... After that, she gave a gesture with her hand to old Martha and sat on a chair nearby the gentlemen.

" My apologies, Matthew... I forgot about that. Please sit down... I'm glad you came" As Martha close the door, Edith apologized to Matthew in a very polite but tired voice.

" But this will not be easy... the fact that you both had came here will spread throughout the village. I do not think the young ladies here will like it very much. When I went to Lady Blithe's house for a tea party yesterday evening, I realized that half of them did not like me. I know the reason for that.... " Looking at Eric and saying the last words in an evil voice, Edith sighed.

" I did not knew it would bother you so much my lady, Please accept my sincerest apologies " When Matthew glanced at Eric in a sly way and said that in an apologetic tone, Edith waved her hand to say don't.

" It does not matter, since you came here, perhaps do you want to see my gemstone collection ? "

" That is not what we really came here for " Said Eric.

" Overmorrow we decided to attack the coal mine again, what do you say? Do you like the day? "

" Overmorrow? "

𝐈𝐦𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬 | Skz Lee Felix | EnglishWhere stories live. Discover now