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Claudia's outfit on top


It's been about over a month since Charles first texted her and they continued to talk over the phone through that month. She would be lying if she said she hated it, but she actually loved how he cared about and her career and how he always wished her good luck. He always there when she had a bad game day to cheer her up and she did the same to congratulate him on his races

It was the day of the miami grand prix, and Claudia and Rory had flown out to watch in person. She had already let Charles know that she was coming and he couldn't be happier. Charles truly wanted to get to know this women as well as Lewis does but he knows there is something deep down holding her back.

Claudia was talking to Toto and Jack was playing games on her phone while Rory was with her girlfriend.

"How's everything with Diego and Barcelona going?" Toto had heard the rumors about the sacking of the barcelona coach, and he was concerned for Claudia.

There were even more rumors about everything now, and it is pretty likely that he'll be sacked but Claudia didn't want to get her hopes up. She thinks that if you expect disappointment, you'll never be disappointed.

"It's going alright i guess, I'm surprisingly better than i thought i would be, but i just hope he finally gets what he deserves." She shrugged trying to act unbothered.

Toto agrees saying that he deserves worse than just being sacked making her laugh. Toto always saw her as a daughter and after hearing what she had been through, he promised himself to always protect her. He never wanted for her to feel that pain ever again and would make sure she never could.

"With all the rumors going on, my names coming back up around him again and everyone's bringing up past drama." She confides in Toto as he listens carefully. He could tell that she was stressed from all this drama and she hasn't been doing okay these past few days.

"Don't let them get to you Claudia. You're an amazing talented person and you deserve nothing but happiness, just know you're not alone." Claudia could feel tears in her eyes and she turns to look at Toto. "You may feel alone and feel like you have no one to talk to, but you're wrong. You are worth so much more than you think and you have so many people who can help you."

Claudia now had a few tears streaming down her face and she couldn't help but feel embarrassed that she was crying right before a grand prix. "Thank you so much Toto, honestly." They lean in to hug each other not noticing Susie watching with a smile on her face and camera men recording.

"No need to thank me, you know i'm always here if you need to talk about anything." Toto reminds her as they separate from their hug.

"Fucking hell Toto, only you could get me crying before a race." Claudia laughs awkwardly to try and forget about her crying in public.

"I'm going to find Lewis and wish him good luck before the race, but i'll be back." She bids Toto goodbye as they share another short and sweet hug and starts walking to Lewis drivers room before toto stops her.

"Hey Claudia! It's okay to take a break sometimes okay? Don't forget that!" She smiles at him and he smiles back.


The race had finally ended and Charles ended up getting p2, with Max in first. Although he wasn't Lewis, she was still happy for the monegasque as she claps by the podiums.

She was standing by Rory when they were handed the champagne. Charles was already over the moon as he stood there, but when he looked down, he saw Claudia talking to Rory. Somehow he felt even more excited as he thought she looked gorgeous is her outfit. He could see every tattoo that was on display, and he couldn't turn away and watched how her hands move when she was talking.

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