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September 30th, 2022

TW: abuse and trauma, mentions of blood and scars


Fourteen year old Claudia had returned home from school after picking up Daphne. When she silently opened the door and told her sister to go to her room, she laid her skateboard by the door and found her dad passed out from drinking on the couch, making her roll her eyes. It was nothing she wasn't used too, but she wasn't complaining as she'd rather not have to deal with him.

She'd promise Daphne that she'd help with her homework when they got home, so she wanted to get that done before her football practice. Hopefully her father was too drunk to wake up for the rest of the day.

After she'd finished helping Daphne and having to take her to practice, just in case their father woke up, they'd arrive back home again after football practice ended. Claudia promised that she'd make her sisters favorite meal, which was just ramen noodles. While she was too busy stirring her noodles, she never noticed her father waking up and stumbling towards her with his vodka bottle. As she was pouring the boiling water into a different bowl, her father harshly grabbed her arms, making her spill some of the hot water on her hand.

Claudia hisses at the pain of the boiling water making contact with her skin and tries to cool the burn with lukewarm water, but her father stops her and squeezes the hand that was currently burning. She pushed her father back, which was quite easy as he was very drunk and sleepy and rushes to put her hand under the sink. He starts laughing like a madman and still continues to drink from his liquor bottle, with most of it falling from his lips, onto his shirt. "Whatever you're making there child, make me some too." He says sternly as she tries to find some aloe vera for her skin.

She ignores him for now as he sits down and closes his eyes and she gets back to finishing Daphnes ramen. Her skin still felt like it was on fire but she had to take care of Daphne and makes sure she gets fed for tonight. Out the corner of her eye, she sees her father with his eyes closed again, and she hopes that he stays like that. After giving her sister her food, she walked back into the kitchen to find her father standing there angrily. She gulps as she tries to find bandages for her burnt skin and tries to ignore her fathers heated stare directed at her.

The fourteen year old was too busy trying to find bandages that she wasn't listening to the drunk man cursing at her until she felt him push her hard into the counter. "Are you ignoring me now you little bitch? Listen to me when i speak!" Claudia looks up at him and refuses to look weak in front of his presence. "Didn't i tell you earlier to make me some food? Well where the hell is it then?"

Tired of his shit, Claudia moves past him and just glares at him. "I was busy making food for Daphne, y'know your other daughter? Maybe if you actually stopped drinking all day and being a shit father, you would remember that you have two daughters and that it's not all about you in this house!"

Her head was whipped to the side and her cheek was beginning to sting. Her hand reached up to where her father at just slapped her and could feel tears forming. "Oh don't you dare start crying on me! You talk as if you're actually important, maybe if you were a good child, your mother would have stayed!"

Claudia started backing up slightly while applying the bandages to her hand while her father kept on rambling. "You know you're the reason she ran off! You're the reason why my career is shit now, and you're the reason why i drink all day.

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