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After arriving back home from Bahrain where she was with Charles for his first race that didn't end to well for him, Claudia was utterly exhausted. Especially after winning another match against rb leipzig for the champions league.

Charles had to go back home for a few days but he made sure to loan her a few hoodies and shirts he knows she loves, so she wouldn't feel too alone in the house with Milo. And on top of everything, while she was away in Maranello, Neymar had called her asking her to be the godmother of his new child that him and Bruna were having. The two girls have grown close to each other and she was very happy and excited for her and Neymar.

Safe to say that she felt very content and happy about her life right now, which was something she's never really have felt before.

But now it was time to go back to real world and here she sat at the press conference for Man City and as she was named the top signing of the year already, they wanted her to do it with Pep. She never minded doing press work but she did always hate the journalists and the media people for how they always twisted everything up and tried to cause unnecessary drama.

"Pep, you have stated multiple times every year how much you wanted Claudia on your team. Is there any specific reason as to why you never gave up on trying to sign her and why you were so adamant on just her only."

Pep smiles as he remembers the reasons he wanted her so badly with his team and Claudia lets out a laugh as well and turns to look at him.

"I think any smart manager would want to try and sign someone like her...i mean i think it's stupid not to. She a very physical player and is not afraid to take risks when she needs to. She goes after what she wants and doesn't beat around the bush, and sometimes i think that's exactly what we need." She smiles as she hears the words coming out his mouth. She felt happy that people are finally starting to see her for her talent.

"But what makes her so special? I'm sure there are many other good players as well."

"And i have no doubt that they're not good players. But when we played against her when she was in Barcelona for the champions league, she came out with fifteen minutes left and absolutely crushed and humiliated us. When i saw that this seventeen year old girl can beat is so easily, i knew i had to get her. Her playing style fits perfectly with our team and i'm very happy that we have her now. She known as one of the best female footballers for a reason."

He leaves out the part he was wanting to say about when the reporter had asked what makes her so special and kept a straight face as he answered the question.

"Thank you and now um—Claudia. There has been many people saying that you betrayed your old club Barcelona after leading them on for so long about coming back there. You any words about that?"

And there it is...the same old story that never seems to leave. She sighs annoyingly and looks at Pep who nods his head saying that she can speak about it if she'd like. He had warned her beforehand that they're probably going to talk about it to get some sort of reaction of out her as they both knew of the fans saying she betrayed them.

"This will be the last ever time i talk about this publicly, okay? So you all better listen carefully. I did not lead anyone on about joining them or any other club. I understand fans wanting me to go back but it's not going to happen i have to do what's best for me. I like the person i am now and i'm very happy here at City, but I wish them all the best luck for the future. I have moved on a long time ago and in the nicest way possible, it's time you guys move on as well."

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