Song of Academia 7

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He - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow zap fire zap fire miasma madness St. Job arrogance frustration ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad caltrop-like, maw-like, madness ice ice snow storms angel ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad concerto ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad ice ice snow snow stars condescending condescending.
She - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad uniform uniform uniform uniform angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum pad uniform track academy Dark Academy silly fun death escaping Satan's fucking madness ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum pad drum pad drum pad concerto concerto.
The Mountains - Like ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad condescending dance to the beat of beat heart fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum beat baseball sunset dirt hangs in air like war ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice """drawing faces like ultimate drawing"" fucking da Vinci said that. He also said """"draw old beings wrinkly fucking draw women legs closed modesty, beings would make telephones"""" fucking legend but still God's every teacher in every class on every floor like eternal youth or like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow Mt. Etna drum pad those chained to stars won't change change.
Leonardo - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice anime openings ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow eternal youth cars snow storms angels ice ice drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow anime drum pad concerto drum pad snares ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow like drums no birds or like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms anime concerto drum pad patience ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice niceless neatless niceless neatless niceless neatless ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad neon anime football snares ice ice march on field sunset ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad anime half-time concert or like concerto or like ethics over football or like Dark Academy or like anime crowds cheering or like ice snow storms angels or like fucking girlfriends or like ice ice order procedures fucking ice ice no hypocrisy but snow snow angels ice ice snow drum pad concerto concerto concerto.
Michelangelo - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angel ice ice snow drum pad drum pad dance to the beat of beat heart angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice fucking ice ice drum pad churches bibles fires ice ice snow rapture death ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow study tests scantrons ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice exegesises essays papers midterms finals ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad concerto concerto ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice black magic madness ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow drum pad avalanches ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad pad.
Raphael - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad drum pad drum pad dance to the beat of beat heart ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow no one's obvious ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad obviously ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad piano Your Lie in April ice ice snow class paint Renaissance ice ice persecution Michelangelos' Sts. Moses, David, Sistine Chapel panoramic genealogies on Sistine Chapel ceiling paint stained-glass, ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice anime angels ice ice drum pad fucking Ghibli anime dark academia St. Job ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow REST IN PEACE ST. JOB ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad concerto Mozart Bach Vivaldi Tchaikovsky ice ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow oranges love persimmons apples raisins stampedes snow snow snow avalanche avalanche.
Donatello - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad antipathy ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad God bless Aeriel Kaitlyn snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow context Pentecost drum pad death fame riches honor love crowds cheering roaring like lions but no mean lions or like quidditch or like snitches or like context or like drum pads or like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad dance to the beat of beat heart ice ice snow snow no multiply words angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow solar lunar eclipses summer nocturne Aurora Borealis ililly ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad avalanches My Hero, Bleach, Fullmetal, InuYasha, Ranma ½ Streets of Belgrade ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad dance to the beat of the beat heat ice ice snow blood death death St. Job fucking fame anime concerto concerto church bible bible concerto anime crown roar like lions roar like lions REST IN PEACE ST. DANIEL.
Sandro - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice fucking small flocks angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice guessing fucking knowing ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice the more we read something the more we love it, might seem contradictory but drum pads are similar repetition might be boring but it jut depends how we contextualize ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice agree to disagree classic's better than repetition but we love pop but words are fucking different words repeating isn't boring like music repeating but fucking again no offense we love pop but drum pads obviously aren't classic or like classical New York New York New York ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad concerto anime crowd cheering roaring ice ice snow storms angels ice ice uniforms glasses skirts black clothes InuYasha ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad crowd roaring or like cheering or like lions lion lion lion lion.
St. Job - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad order procedures no theft our own right hand ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad we intend or like purpose to not quote so beings have more of our own art but we still love quoting like Ellen quoted all the time she's better than us fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad angels ice ice snow snow anime wall run pirouette big right fist hard glove super power punch ground seismic sphere shock wind air wave shoot like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow miasma Satan angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angels ice ice no sentimental folly ice ice snow penitence ice ice snow avalanches ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow drum pad pad thai anime dorms angels ice ice Dark Academy Ashford ice ice snow snow angels ice ice mechs ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow magic Zelda Death Mountain fairy heal be ok after infinite pain St. Job job.
St. Jesus - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad ice ice snow storms angel ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angel ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad angels ice ice snow snow drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice love our enemies or like ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad anime banners fiery lightnings insignias crests ice ice snow dragons ice ice snow storms angels ice ice unicorns pegasuses griffins phoenixes centaurs Leviathan Behemoth ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice anime janitor's closet ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice no over-righetous no over-wise ice ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angels ice ice snow anime ball rooms angels ice ice snow snow night school banners hige windows from ceiling to floor ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow K-On! Ouran ice ice snow snow drum pad concerto anime crowd cheering roaring applauding like lions lions lions lions.
St. John the Baptist - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad anime crowd cheering clapping smiling ice ice fucking anime ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad concerto ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice concerto drum pad concerto ice quickness of mind angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice gifts angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice above all else the word gift ice snow condescending ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow angels ice ice for the increase of wickedness the love of most grows cold ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad church love sleep dogs angels ice ice potlucks SDAs Lomalinda ice ice snow storms angels ice ice Pacific Union College ice ice snow storms angels ice ice zap fire drum pad angels ice ice snow snow anime crowds cheering football, basketball, baseball, hockey, quidditch ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow snow St. Job love persimmons perfume raspberries God bless Franssons ice ice ice ice.
St. Jonah - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow archery practice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad dance to the beat of the beat heart thought discernment discernment discernment Testimonies for the Church Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, Desire of Ages, Acts of the Apostles, The Great Controversy ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow anime crowd cheer dance K-On! Toradora! Angel Beats! Shuffle! Panic! at the Disco Clannad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow prayer precursors ice ice snow storms our book Song of Anime funnily enough only had one explicit reference to anime, it was Clannad context fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow sloth make rafters sag idleness make house leak angels ice ice drum pad pad thai thai.
St. Micah - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice zap fire volcanoes lava angels ice ice magma ice ice carbon lodestone adamant barrage forced fields bubbles big bubble force fields ice ice snow storms angels ice ice fucking anime crowd cheer ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow wall run other wall now super jump bent knees so strong force zap wind air kick Satan's fucking face we just don't fucking love him, love your enemies isn't about him agree to disagree courtyard fountains ice ice snow storms angels ice ice bookstore, dining hall, cafe, cafeteria ice ice snow storms angels ice ice Ouran angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad dance to the beat of the beat heart ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad orange juice reekfish condescending ice ice snow snow Ocarina Majora Wind Twilight Skyward Breath Tears ice ice drowning water water water.
St. Father - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow blizzards angels ice ice frost Elysia Metroid ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow zap fire zap fire fuck money money is only evil we hate money for money killed martyrs healed wicked didn't say ""sorry"" this is a fucking metaphor ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad anime crowd roar cheer applaud clap along to the beat of the beat heart drum pad concerto ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad drum pad open ended for a reason ice ice snow storms angels ice ice points so missed fucking this all this is about ethics all that matters is how we treat beings if we don't fucking know that we don't fucking know anything ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow like St. Paul only know God resurrected St. Jedidiah said """wicked know nothing, kind fully know everything""" fucking ice ice snow storms angels morals are everythings fucking ice ice snow avalanches ice ice snow fuck Satan ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow back flip 8th floor roof fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow jump 20 ft up punch miasma Satan ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice send his hologram through earth over nothing hit bottom of the universe of universes like fucking blood instant transmission transmission.
St. Holy Spirit - Like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice dark brown zap fire angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice abominations diabolical madness secrets esoteric private secrets secrets no oversharing ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow avalanches ice ice snow zap fire lies Satan lies nothing but lies almost impossible innocence ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow God bless Billie, Lorde Neighbourhood Sts. Augustine, Bonaventure, Ignatius, Ambrose, Jerome, Sebastian Valerian, Tibertian, Maximus, Cecilia, Bridgette, fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad drum pad drum pad wicked conscience shame ice ice usually don't even own one ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice zap fire fire angels ice ice zap bottle stars galaxies cosmos celestial luminaries nebulae quasars supernovas hypernovas planets constellations black holes black matter ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow no confusion but Durarara!!, Code Geass, Death Note, fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow fucking small flock flock.
St. Moses - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice surprises goated ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice frustration black magic lies angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow avalanches drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow laughingstocks angels ice ice snow angels ice ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow front flip 8th floor roof ice ice snow storms angels ice ice so like 9th fucking lol fucking front flip off roof to courtyard fountains concrete grass insignias crests fire flash bolt ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice zap fire fire angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad 2o ft divebomb punch ground like seismic shock air win sphere wave tide rays ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow frustration black magic lies lies lies lies lies lies lies hologram fly through earth hit bottom of universe of universes break like bones or like ice snow storms angels ice ice fucking blood fuck Satan ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow drum pad pad pad.
St. Job - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice frustration barking dogs barking brave dogs help Vaudois ice ice snow storms angels ice ice eternal youth shooting evil angels out heaven like apples Isaac, bolts night's fall, Leonid's ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow dissonance crescendos ice snow angels ice ice storms angels ice ice diminuendos ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow laughingstocks angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ""Do not forsake your friend or a friend of your family, and do not go to your relative's house when disaster strikes you— better a neighbor nearby than a relative far away."" we feel like no fucking disrespect but we feel like St. Jedidiah's being fucking sardines or like fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow snow to the wicked it's nicer to stay near disaster but obviously it's neater to leave ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pads anime crowds cheer yell applaud ice ice thunder roll thunder thunder thunder thunder.
St. Boaz - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad angels ice ice snow storms angels ice snow storms angels ice ice frustration destiny black magic St. Job angels ice ice snow fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice comets, neon neon stars ice ice snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow no arrogance no laughingstocks angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow St. Job oranges janitor's closet ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice drum pad frustration ice ice snow snow fuck rape fuck murder love death we fucking love death for death gets us far far away from Satan tho don't commit fucking suicide or like ice ice snow storms angels ice ice pray man we didn't come to judge we came to save fucking ice icicles dining halls ice ice snow storms angels ice ice dining hall laughter mourning St. Job fucking acting ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow dogs butterflies mashed potatoes, yams, green beans, veganism, tofu, vegan versions of stuff like mac n cheese, ham, chicken, beef what have you ice ice snow snow blizzards concerto concert hall applaud like anime anime anime anime anime.
St. Agur - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice Sts.Moses Job Gotenks fuse like dance ice ice snow storms angels ice ice drum pad Kohelet ice ice wisdom inspiration ice ice goated fiery flash bolt fiery blink lightning ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice gum bulb nard saffron coral deep thousands fish colors ice ice rainbow 7 lamps earthquakes ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice upside down right side up angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels pure heart see God heaven giant underground hologram fire hoses run up invisible Empire State zap dragons twirl round chariot of sun ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice Naydra Dinaraal Farosh ice ice snow anything's possible ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow """don't oppress poor cuz they're poor""" angels ice ice snow drum pad anime crowd cheer like thunder drum pad agree to disagree sometime pop's better than classic like it's not conventional to cheer during class but pop sure so riddles riddles.
St. Lemuel - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad Vegas ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow God bless Sts. Shiphrah, Puah, Princess Peach, Queen's Gambit, Stranger Things, Harry Potter, Australia, Euphoria, Big Time Rush, Kendal Jenner ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow martinis olives sour patch kids, neon gravestones, pink cat headphones, blue dinosaurs Mario, dark bishops knights pawns rooks fucking ice, Dunaj, ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow thanks Julia, stars dancing, Mexico boutinela, ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice Bad Guy, Solar Power, Sweater Weather, hymns of Luther ice ice snow snow drum pad fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow zap fire fire fire fire fire zap bottle space time nebulae systems stars luminaries supernovas hypernovas luminaries luminosity blaze luminous galaxies interstellar cosmic celestial love love no touch edges like flash backs ice ice snow storms angels ice ice Zelda fairy St. Jehanette fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice St. Job ice ice snow snow snow snow snow.
St. Jedidiah - Like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice anime crowd cheering clapping dancing to the beat of the beat heart drum pad concerto ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad rain snow sleet hail graupel ice ice snow snow storms angels ice ice snow drum pad neon star comet ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow drum pad drum pad angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow Satan's fucking unwordable envy, mallice, hatred, suspicion ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice group photo uniforms eternal youth under sun under sun under sun under sun anime eternal youth student photo uniforms black clothes, dresses, skirts, dogs, butterflies, fountains giant windows white boards computers desks books scantrons ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow anime group photo color no black white ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow Sts. Jesus Moses Job Jedidiah Boaz Augustine Cecilia fucking Ellen James Joseph Jn ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice snow snow angels ice ice snow might be like 40 being hard to fit everyone fucking might be 200 we don't know lol ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow fiery lighting flash ice ice snow snow angels ice ice My Hero, InuYasha, Bleach, Ranma ½ Streets of Belgrade, Nuvole Bianche, Overcome, Luke Faulkner ice ice snow snow angels ice fucking snow snow angels ice ice Winter Lacrimosa Jesus Joy of Man's Desire ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow hot dog bath dorm bunks stampedes rhyhorns rhydons rapidashes ponytas arcanines growlithes ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice neon neon neon neon dragons unicorns pegasuses griffins phoenixes Leviathan Behemoth ice ice snow snow angels ice ice drum pad drum pad ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angel ice ice snow snow niceless niceless niceless meaningless knowless polaroid anime group photo smiling under sun under sun fountains grass concrete big windows wite board desks books scantrons pencils pens cloth board happy tears dogs sleep tucked pjs Ranma ½ Streets of Belgrade butterflies fed strings pet fed tucked in Ranma ½ Streets of Belgrade fucking ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow storms angels ice ice ice snow storms angels ice ice snow anime anime anime crowds roar like rolling thunder thunder thunder tangerines blackberries blueberries apples raisins mangoes ivory towers persimmons gold bowl rugged fucking hill spice pear oranges oranges oranges cold oranges red bruised oranges clapping gazelles does stags deer apples love snow snow snow apple juice or like sauce or like ice snow storms angels ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow fuck Satan ice ice snow snow snow snow crown perfume sleep snore snow snow snow snow snow snow snow anime group ic uniforms fountain grass concrete dogs butterflies smiles big window white board books scantrons pens pencils arms around each other true love not sentimental fucking unwordable bullshit until next time Dark Academy ice ice snow snow zoom in face by face patience for a bit then many screens in screen might keep going fucking be patience beings not to be harsh but no we're not fucking hypocrites fucking ice ice snow snow angels ice ice snow snow middle 2 then zoom out anime anime anime anime anime anime anime anime anime anime.
The end - the end.

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