Chapter 4: Doctor Doctor!

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Y/N raced through the forest, they were on a hunt for peace, peace in their mind and peace in the world, unluckily for them, the Tsukasa empire spy's were looking for a hostage

She slowed to a walk sensing something was off, took a deep breath, and started sobbing

Fuck I can't take this, my medicine doesn't exist in this time period god damn it all to hell... There's three people following me, no four, by the sounds of it they are unable to quiet themselves, amateurs... Wait... FIVE

She turned with her guard up and deflected a strange blade they haven't seen in a while. The other four jumped out at various angles and she attempted to block them all but one stabbed her side

"Hey girlie, you're coming with us, we need a hostage and if I'm right, you're the Ishigami guardian"

"What? Motherfu-"

"Now now sweetheart, no use lying, we've been watching you for a while now, you're outnumbered... There's no use lying, fighting, or begging"

The men surrounded her, "There's one thing you're forgetting one thing, I have science on my side you bastard!" She snatched a vial from her breasts and smashed it against the ground and scurried up a tree

Good that acts as a screen and a signal... If only I had another... Two to the left two to the right and on in the middle, left first

She leapt from the tree impaling ones throat with her knife, as the other realized what was happening he tried to grab her but she judo flipped him and stabbed into his temple

2/5, 40% of the objective is complete BE WARNED MORE WILL COME

She saw the others stirring and got ready

Stealth is so last season

She charges in ready to take down the man in front of her, she cuts up the front of his chest before kicking him away and slamming his friend into a tree

3/5 dead, 1 unconscious, 1 who hasn't come down yet....

"Oi, come down tree boy, it's fight time! I took down your four bodyguards, it's our turn-"

The spear came almost too fast, they dodged out last second, grabbed the spear and pulled the man to the ground while tossing the spear away

"You're pinned mother fucker, Blondie hiding behind the tree, go get Senku. We are going to need two people to carry each guy"

Y/N knocked the man out and slung him over her shoulder, "Nevermind, you take this scrawny boy and I got big boy over here"

As they walked back to the village Kohaku broke the silence, "Guardian? What happened here, why all the bloodshed?"

"They wanted to take me to force your villiage and my- ehem, Senku, to submit, and I wasn't going to let anything happen to any of you"

"Oh, then why are we taking them back?"

"To get information on the empire Tsukasa is building, we need to know how many people they have, how they're feeding them, where their main base is- it's a lot to ask of them but I won fair and square, and if I didn't? It's because they tried to manhandle me!"

They arrived at the science hut and Senku ran over

"Y/N what the hell you could've been killed!"

"I got them first my love don't worry-"

"My love? Y/N you're- Youre bleeding a lot, someone grab the big boy, Y/N stay with me- Y/N!"

They passed out, blood loss is a fun thing, if they've only been bleeding this much, not counting all the physical exertion- We still have time, stay with me please, don't go...

They cleared a small area and the doctor was working, Senku wasn't going to let Y/N die, not for something so stupid

Senku spent most the night next to Y/N to make sure she was okay, only leaving to use the bathroom and even then he left Chrome in charge

Kohaku had double tied the men making sure they couldn't break out of the binds, she questioned them and reported back into the room with Senku and

"They have an army of close to 100 now, it won't be easy to switch them all to our side but the food reserves aren't going to last long by the sound of it-"

"Then we go at dawn" Y/N spoke through gritted teeth, "I'll make corpses, I'll protect your people with my life!"

The strange haired boy made her lie back down, "We aren't doing anything until your better, and even then we have to go slowly, I'll train with Chrome and you teach Kohaku and the brothers your style of fighting, we need strength and science, I see that now..."

He pushed his hair back and sighed, "I'm glad you're alive, but for the love of space and time what the fuck were you thinking," he grabbed her arm causing her to wince, "Did you even think about the people who would be hurting if something went wrong? My god Y/N I thought I was going to lose you for good this time" he hugged her gently

She pat at the mans hair, "It's ok Einstein, I'm alive, I'll never leave you, hell, none of the brutes did this to me," she motioned at the stitches, "It was that little scrawny bitch, he had a spear that I recognized but I can't remember exactly where..."

Senku had rage inside of him, he kissed her forehead and walked out of the room...

What do you mean I'm stupid?!? (Senku x reader) Where stories live. Discover now