Chapter 13: Dreams Are Weird‼️‼️

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This chapter is written in the dream world, we start with Y/N's dream, then a distinct difference when we go to Senku's.

The walk around the block was colder than usual, the roads longer, the streets emptier. A man rides a bike past silently, and... Backwards?

"Everything must come to an end princess," her mother whispered in her ear, though no one was there when she turned around

"The wind whispers truths and lies~"

"Lies more often"

"Run home princess~"

Fuck it's a nightmare, remember what you've read, nothing here can hurt you, nothing here is real-

"I'm not real, princess?" She turned to see her mother

"M-Mom, what are you-"

"Wont you give your mother a hug sweetie? I've been so busy with work... You haven't been making a mess... Have you?!?" The mother's arms extended twice the normal size, her jaw lacked and elongated

"Jesus FUCK" Y/N started running

It can't hurt you it can't hurt you, yes it can shit!

Y/N is apart of a small statistic that can feel pain in their dreams, in order to counteract it she studied lucid dreaming throughout high school!

Shit shit shit she's a flesh pedestrian!

"Mother's coming princess"


This is a dream, lucid, lucid, your brain you control it-

"PRINcess, get in the house NOW!"

Dreams are fucked

She focused all her energy on one thing she knew wouldn't let her down

"Hello angel, what do you need?" Senku bowed

"You calmed me down more than you know~ Remember my engagement knife?"

"Of course my love!" He pulls it out of a burlap sack and hands it to her, "Anything for you!"

"I don't like that, be your normal, blunt, dense self please"

"Course Y/N, I'm sorry for being weird"

"Princess, it's bedtime!" The mother came around the corner

"Mother, it's been a fun reunion, but I need to go home..." the mother grabbed her, she struggled against the sheer power, "Mother, let me go, Senku-"

She looked behind her and only saw a crimson stain, "Mother, what did you do?"

"I got rid of a mess you made my dear, boys lead to STDs and teen pregnancies! I'm helping you!"

The great knife sliced through the fingers of the creature, she screams in anger

Y/N... Y/N wake up honey

She woke with a start, panting and sweating, Senku holding them as right as possible

He's still asleep, poor thing is shaking...

She raised herself so his face was on her chest as she stroked his hair

*Flass back! It's Senku dream time babyyy*

The world was stone and cold, not literally, it was Japan before the stone sickness spread but he realized how lonely existence was

With everyone being able to talk instantaneously there isn't much reason to leave the house... Wheres Y/N? She's always been the girl of my dreams

He walked to the park where he grew up with Y/N, the old swing set discolored from years of use

This is where we met...

He looked around and saw a young version of himself

"Hey little dude, how's it going?"

The small him looked up, "She's gone"

The wind picked up around Senku, a glimmer of hopelessness in his eyes, "Excuse me?"

"Y/N's gone, you couldn't save her..."

"What's happened here?" He couldn't move

"Her mom... Her mom beat her to death... You were on the way over remember?"

Senku watched as the scene around him shifted to the street, little Senku led the way, "Remember Senku, you're a physically incompetent fool. You tried your best but it wasn't enough"

The house came into view, a screaming match Senku had heard before

"I am your MOTHER, that's means you listen to me!"

"Then why am I mothering myself?!? Fuck mom-"

"I'm not your mom you useless bitch, treat me with respect! You ruined my body and fucked up my mind, I'm like this because of you!"

Then the beatings began...

"Every time I heard it I knocked on the door, or if needed walked right in, she usually stopped..."

"She didn't this time, remember?"

He tried to knock, the squelching of the stomach being kicked, that pitiful noise... He tried to open the door, it was locked, panic sets in

"Someone please-"

"No one would ever help an ungrateful piece of shit like you princess"

"Help me-"

A solid thunk was heard, Senku kicked down the door but it was too late, she had pool of blood surrounding her skull, as he picked her up, he sobbed harder than ever before

Why her, take me instead...

"See silly? You're useless! Science can't fix her now, her body is broken beyond repair!" The small boy laughed, "You were too slow, too weak... And now she's gone forever..."

"Senku, baby wake up"

He woke gasping for air, tears streaming down his face

"Senku, talk to me love" she was still stroking his hair, he was still resting his head where her breasts were

"Y/N, you're ok!" He hugged her as hard as his weakened body would allow

"I'm ok Senks, I'm right here..." he stayed there sobbing until he ran out of tears

They told each other the nightmares they had "I'm good, I'm fine, I think it's interesting that you acted with anger and I with remorse..."

"Our deaths were different by definition my love, you were killed by my mother, and I already hold much resentment for her, I was killed by my mother, because she's a cold hearted bitch..." Y/N started to get very angry

"Senks haha, you're like a weighted blanket!"

Muffled by the warm area his face was in he tried to answer, "You're so momfy, my god why doesn't anyone else do dis..."

"Because you're the only one allowed to be in between my breasts dummy" she chuckled

He jolted up, "I'm sorry I should've asked first..."

"It's ok Einstein, but chrome came in here when you were sleeping, maybe we traumatized him because he looked upset, ready to face the day?

A deep breath from both of them, "Let's go make some cell phones...

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