Chapter 10: Fight Night

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"Try to touch me and you die, it's how I grew up..." Y/N told Tsukasa, "Every time a bully tried anything they'd only leave with at least a bruise, the worst I did was break ones rib, he earned it though and I made sure it wouldn't be fatal,"

"You're so strong, my princess of pain" he bowed

"Nope, not digging that, you're so polite, why do you want to kill Einstein?"

"Ha, is that what you call him? Because he wants to bring back everyone, everyone including the people who destroyed the Earth, I want only the strong to survive..."

"Oh I see, here's the thing, the reason Senks isn't gonna kill you is the reason I would, he sees the value in life and I see the value in death, I guess me and you are similar in that way... Doesn't matter, if you truly want to hurt those I care about I won't hesitate to end your pitiful existence!"

"God you're so hot when you're angry... And me saying that makes you angrier"

What's wrong with these guys?!?

Hyoga chimes in, "Agreed sir, shes ravishing sir!"

Tsukasa sighs, "we fight at midday, you have an hour to prepare, no weapons... Hyoga, take her to Taiju and Yuzuriha, I'm sure they've missed each other..."

Senku forgot to tell me they were alive? I'm gonna kill that jerk

"Y/N!" They both yelled in unison

"Yuzu I missed you and Taiju I missed you and I missed both of you so much!"

"Yuzu... I may die today hahaha! It's so exciting!"

Yuzu looked very worried, "You're kidding right?"

"I'm an hour I fight Tsukasa, not to the death, I'll only knock him out... He may beat me but if I beat him I can get back to my date... I mean-"


"It's Senku" they both looked surprised, "I told you I like him you jerks! And I was taken right before the date so he probably thinks I stood him up..." she looked crestfallen at the thought

Taiju was the first to speak, "He knows you wouldn't do that, he's dumb romantically but not that dumb. Besides, I've seen you fight, you'll beat Tsukasa and waltz out of here as if nothing happened and you can smooch all you like-" Y/N punched him relatively hard in the arm, "ok ok, maybe a light hand holding"

"I'm going to meditate while I wait, make sure no pervs try to touch me, this place is gross as hell..." they laughed at that

I'm going to beat that fucker at his own game...

After an hour she was on a flat rounded stone, there was an obvious border drawn on with chalk though it wasn't needed, the round flat area was about twenty feet in diameter, "Heh, just like old times" she stretched, arching her back with her hands behind her head, the pops from her spine audible

"I've heard your flexibility is the hardest part overcome with you,"

"And I heard yours was your speed..." she laughed, "Sounds true to form, perv haha"

"I am not a perv!" His face beet red

The starter was on a rock higher up than them and the spectators on a rock lower, "On the count of three you'll begin, 1,"

"You're going down big boy,"


"Likewise princess"




He charged the girl but she knew he would, she's seen all his fight footage and knows what she's up against, she fakes a right then drops left and kicks out the back of his knee, as he falls he tries to spin but lands on his side. Y/N backs up in anticipation for his counter strike

One good blow and It's over

He gets up and tries again, the same thought in his head, he was sure if he could hit her hard in one of the three main areas he could win

Head, stomach, back, large easy targets but also the hardest to deal with if you're too slow, but I'm not

He grabs her leg, "Rookie mistake pretty boy," he hesitated and blushed, she used this opening for her best attack, her sleeper thigh. She wrapped her legs around his throat and tried to keep his hands off of her

It takes a little bit but it'll knock him out, I'm fucked if he needed to be more tired, distraction time

"It's ok to take a rest pretty boy, you deserve it... You've been so strong for so long... It hurts doesn't it? Yeah, it's ok, I'm here now, it's time to sleep..."

While listening he practically gave up halfway through, it was an easy KO

"I didn't earn this, and yet I win, you legally have to let me leave now, I won't take your village and be your chief since I technically won the title but I don't want it. If you refuse to let me leave I'll kill you, do you all understand?"

The men groaned it response, "Good, now clean up your chief, he doesn't deserve to be out here on the cold slab of rock, farewell, I have a date!" She giggle and leapt off the stage

As she left two men tried to stop her, she used her engagement axe to slice their jugulars in one blow, "Does anyone else want to try?" She had a murderous gleam in her eyes, everyone went quiet

She walked out of the empire singing a stupid little song she remembered

"Everyday, I imagine a future where I can be with you

I'm my hand is a pen that'll a poem from me to you

The ink flows down into a dark puddle

Just move your hand, write the way into his heart

But in this world of infinite choices

What will it take just to find that special day?"

She continued the whole way home, about halfway there she found Senku

"Y/N are you okay? Your clothes are covered in blood, what did they do to you-"

She kissed him, and it felt exactly how she hoped it would, "My love, I've had a rough day, how about we cancel that picnic and go take a dip in the hot springs?"

He was absolutely starstruck, "Of course, yeah uhm, y-yeah the hot springs..."

She's more than okay, she's the most dangerous person alive

He sighed with relief and with determination

I will make that woman my wife even if it kills me...

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