Chapter 6: Scars‼️‼️

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"How's the stitching Y/N? Holding up well?" Senku poked at Y/N's side

"Motherfu-, don't touch it!" She whined

He looked deeply into her eyes, "If it still hurts I need you to tell me, hell, I helped clean the damn thing I should be allowed to touch it"

Just like old times...

He reached his hand over to the left side of her frame, she instinctively slapped him away and walked over to Kohaku

"Okay guys, water breaks over! Time to learn defensive throws" Y/N smiled, proud that her battle scars were on display, this wasn't the first one, but it was the worst one

*flashback time babyyy*

Y/N was walking Senku home from school, they were pretty young so they used the buddy system against the bully's and perverts

"Hey Y/N? Why do you like space?" Senku asks innocently

"Because the universe is vast, meaningful and meaningless all at the same time, it's so interesting, and being in space away from- far away from those who hurt for fun? It sounds like heaven, truly"

"If you ever need a place to stay you're welcome to my place, my dads a little funny with new people though," He stretched his arms above his head

He acts like a cat

"Why do you think I'd ever need a place to stay? I'm fine haha," they had a faraway look in their eyes

"Y/N, don't lie to me, last time I walked you to your house I... I heard the plates breaking and the yelling, and you didn't do anything and-"

She stopped walking, "What are you an expert? I can handle it, I can handle anything life throws at me! I survived 9 years of cosmic consciousness, I've been awake to the world since the ripe age of 3, and I'm sitting pretty-" they talk with their hands a lot but Senku noticed they were wincing

"Y/N, show me your arms please... It can wait until we're at my house but I need you to... I need to make sure you're ok..." he looked crestfallen

"Whatever, I'm going home," he grabbed her arm and that's when the tears fell

She wasn't angry, or sad, or happy... She was afraid, not for herself but for how her first, and best, friend would react

"I'm so sorry did that hurt?" He let go of the arm itself and held onto the sleeve, "Let's just go relax and watch that new documentary about the cosmos, you've been wanting to see it right? And I'll get you chocolate and and puzzles and and-"

Y/N lightly punched his shoulder, "You really know what a girl likes huh? Haha, just watching the documentary is fine with me, thanks Senku" she kissed his forehead and laughed at his reaction

He's bright red and flustered, it's funny but not exactly what I was hoping for...

*Switch minds (I thought this is a funny way to change POV)*

She's so pretty when she laughs, but the sadness in her eyes, the bruises she covers, the small cuts and burns that add up... I'll never let anyone hurt her when I'm around

"Senku? You've been staring off for almost a full minute, are you ok?"

"A better question is, are you?" He opens the door to his house and grabs a med kit, "Take the shirt off

What do you mean I'm stupid?!? (Senku x reader) Where stories live. Discover now