Detention (3)

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'Oh shit oh shit oh shit! I can't get in trouble the FIRST day, what if kicks me out!? Then what will a do!? Oh god this is too much-!' Tweek thought to himself as he walked step by step to the principal office. He was shaking, pulling his hair as he stared at the ground. Craig on the other hand was walking causally, if not a bit annoyed . His hands were in his pocket as he looked ahead.

The principal opened to door, ushering the boys in and to take a seat. They did so without complaint.
"So. Would either of you like to explain why you were fighting in my school?"
The principal asked with a scowl to which Craig spoke up, leaning back against the chair.
"Yeah, sure I'll tell you. So we just-"
He stopped, flipping him off and dead staring at him.

"Craig Tucker! Did you just flip me off!?"
Craig shrugged.
"I don't know."
The principal slammed his fist on the desk. The bicker went on for around 5 minutes or so until PC principal finally shouted.
"That's it! Both of you-! Detention! After school!"
Tweek let out out a loud noise of protest.
He started before being interrupted by the principal.
"I don't want to hear it! You both need to learn respect!"
He complain as he grabbed the phone.
"I'm calling both of your parents to inform them about your situation."

The rest of the day was terrifying for Tweek. It was like there was eyes on him in every class- It was like detention was just creeping up to him. By the time school was over and Tweek had walked into the office to fulfill his detention he was greeted with his parents.
"Mom, dad? What are you- urg- doing?"
He asked as his eyes focused on Craig who was seated in the corner, his feet on the desk and some space book in his hand.

"Tweek son, we're very disappointed in you today. But! We've talked to the principal and made a deal that instead of going to detention you just come to the shop with us. And as punishment for the embarrassment you have already put on our business you will get even more time working there!"
His father said with his usual bright grin as he gave his shaking son a pat on the back.

"What!? Why won't you just let me take the normal punishment!? I already spend so many hours there?!"
Tweek stressed as he pulled his hair in annoyance.
"No arguing hun. Come on let's go."
His mom stated as he ushered him out of the door.

Tweek happened to walk across Craig's three friends on the way to the car.
"Hey! Tweek, was it?"
The red jacket kid asked, making Tweek stop.
"We just wanted to say we're sorry, I swear Craig NEVER acts like this, he's a good guy!"
Tweek just muttered to himself as a response.
"Oh how thoughtful of you! Here here! Here's three coupons for our coffee shop as a thanks to being so respectful!"
Tweets dad congratulations as he slipped out 3 small papers and handed them to each of them.
"Now don't forget to come to Tweek Bros! Opening Monday of next week! Thank you!"
His mother then said as they basically nudged tweek in the car and drove off.
Now Tweek was stuck in a dusty room, sweeping, moving and unloading boxes and more. This was the worse! He'd rather just deal with the detention and move on; But his parents don't work like that, they HAD to get him to go to work. It was fine though, it wasn't the first time they've used extra hours as a punishment.

The day ended at home as the blonde plopped down in the bed and let out a sigh. He wanted this to be a good day, now he was laying, staring at the ceiling while slowly scratching at his arms. He wondered if it would turn around, Tweek didn't wish for it to turn out like his last school. The boys eyes fluttered closed as his thoughts spiraled. Most days he would say up to watch a movie or two but tonight...tonight he was just tired.. Every muscle in his body ached for carrying heavy coffee machines and he was just mentally exhausted as well. Beginning to relax his mind and succumb to the exhaustion that was swallowing his body, Tweek fell asleep. Awaiting the next week.

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