Presentation morning - (Pt 2) (15)

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( Again, so sorry for the wait, it's been a rough couple of months, I'm good now though! So as an apology I'll confirm that stars and coffee will have atleast 2 acts, with more in the making! Anyways, Enjoy!

The two boys stepped into class, being one of the last students to enter. Craig set his stuff down, turning his gaze over to Clyde, who was talking to Tolkien and Jimmy about the levels he beat in the red racer game. But, Craig couldn't focus on that, all he could focus on was his appending doom.
What if they thought him being so passionate about space, was dorky? What if they laughed?
"Um- Craig "
No, when did THE Craig Tucker, care about what people think!?


Craig blinked at the loud noise rang into his ear, he turned over to see the familiar blonde-headed boy, looking rather worried.
"Gah-! Um- sorry for shouting- you were- spacing out-"
He then said, his voice only getting quieter as he spoke.

"Do you need something?" Craig asked before Tweek started rambling.

"Oh! Not-not really, I was just wanting to ask if you are all right..? Your leg is shaking.."
Tweek mentioned quietly as Craig quickly pushed his hand down onto his leg to stop it from shaking.
"No it's not."
He confidently expressed before he relaxed his shoulders and took a small breath.
"I'm okay, Tweek, just nerves. I..should be fine."
He responded. Tweek gave a nod at his response and turned back around to his own desk, waiting as the teacher finally arrived to class. Five minutes always.

"All right class,"
The older man began as he shifted his attention towards the students.
"No time for dilly-dallying, we have a project to go over!"
Mr.Garrison began explaining how many points it was worth and such as he messed with the projector at the top of the ceiling.

"Okay! Who should I pick to go first..Clyde! Is your group ready?"
Clyde stood up with confidence as Bebe followed shortly behind him.

"There is no way they finished this project.." Craig muttered to himself as he messed with the strings of his hat.

"Okay! So we chose to study planets! And um- here's the first slide!"
He said as the presentation began, the first couple slides looked good, Bebe made them by the look of its pink color scheme.  Yet, by the half way point the quality definitely started going down before it was just a white background with plain text on it.
"Called it."
Craig said as Clyde began to explain his section of the presentation.
"Yeah, there are like um..3? Types of planets, we have rocky planets..gas planets and um..moons?"
That got a chuckle out of the crowd, but..not so much out of the teacher.
"Guys, just go back to your seat, you obviously aren't prepared." The teacher then said as they made their way back to their seats.

Next was Tolkien and Jimmy with Nebula's, Kyle and Stan with history of space travel and several other groups after that. Finally, the time came for Tweek and Craig's presentation, with a reassuring smile, Tweek stood. Craig followed after as they both shuffled to the front of the class.
"Okay boys, what's your topic?"
Was the first question he asked, Tweek took a quick glance around the room before speaking.
"Our topic today, is about stars!"
Tweek answered as the first slide showed up.
Before speaking again, his voice ye gave a small twitch.
"Stars are spheres of plasma that are held together by self gravity. So much gravity that they can keep planets light years away in orbit." Tweek finished as he clicked on the next slide. Craig perked up slightly, getting ready to speak. He felt the anxiety swell up within him. Craig clutched onto a stack of small papers that he had brought up with him, they were notes, even if he knew he wouldn't need them, he felt it was nice to have them, just in case.
"Um. Well.."
Craig thought for a moment as he glanced around the class, having the strong urge to pull his hat over his eyes so he didn't have to see everyone staring at him. But he couldn't let the class know that. After all, he was Craig Tucker.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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