Meet the Parents (11)

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The two stared at each other for what felt like hours despite it being only a couple second. Then it seemed at once the two both looked away with slight embarrassment. Craig cleared his throat and took Stripe back, smiling at the small rodent.
"Ahem- Yeah, Stripes pretty cool."
He then said, lifting him close to his face before setting him down in his lap.
"How- long have you had him?"
Tweek asked, physically wiping at his cheeks while Craig looked down at Stripe.
"Well. I've had him since he was a baby."
Craig responded as he opened his laptop.

"Spaceman Craig huh..?"
Tweek asked with a smile smile, referring to Craig's account name. He quickly clicked out of it and on the the empty presentation.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
He said blankly.

The boys actually managed to do some work for a bit, all while just causally chatting to each other. In a blink of an eye half a hour had gone by. Craigs phone alarm went off. He sat up properly.
"Oh shit, I have to go get my mom some meds."
"Okay, that's fine"
They spoke as the two stood up and walked out of Craig's room, Stripe now burrowed up in Tweeks hair.
They got to the room and Craig quietly knocked on the door, Creeking it open and stepping in. His mom was sitting in her bed still, brushing her long blonde hair with what looked like a half finished, knitted, chullo hat. Craig walked in and gave her a small hug before going to get her medicine.
"Mom, you're not supposed to be sitting up right now."
Craig said as he passed the medicine back to her.
"I can do as I please. I see you have a new friend though. And who are you dear?" She asked with a soft smile, a complete opposite from Craig's face. Tweek thought they looked nothing alike.

Tweek's eye twitched at the question.
"Egh- I'm um- Tweek, ma'am-"
He managed to spit out to which he was suddenly greeted with a hug.
"Oh how lovely to meet you! You see, My baby Craig doesn't make friends're probably his first new one in years."
She said with a smile as Craig's attention snapped to her.
"Hey! Don't tell him that!"
Craig shouted as he flipped her off, which she did right back, making Tweek laugh.
Craig rolled his eyes and turned his back to get a warm towel.
"Oh! I see Stripe enjoys your hair! Ooo you have some lovely curls. You know, I was a hair dresser before I worked at the bank."
"Oh- thank you! I've never really been a fan of my hair, to messy-" he shrugged.
"Nooo dear, I think that sort of hair texture is fascinating! Of course, straight hair is nice to, take Craig for example. Even though you WOULD be able to see it if he wasn't always wearing that hat!" She remarked.

After Craig's mom took her medicine and got a warm towel, the two headed back to do some more of their project.
"So, did your mom knit that hat you always wear?"
Tweek asked as he sat down on the floor, opening the laptop back up.
"How'd you know?"
"She looked like she was in the process of knitting another one."
"Oh, yeah. She gets sick a lot so when she's not working from home or bedridden she likes to knit me and Tricia things."
"Aw that's so cute."
Tweek chuckled to which Craig's cheeks lit up with a bit of a red tone.
Craig just ignored him and looked back towards the laptop, fetching Stripe off of Tweeks head.

Tweek sighed and gave Stripe a small pet as the two boys focused back on their studies.
"So, do you like all science or just space."
Tweek asked, leaning his head against the palm of his hand.
"Hm. Well, all science is pretty cool, I know a lot about biology and weather but space it just..different. J can always learn more about it, don't you have an interest like that?"
Craig responded, turning to look at the blonde.
"Urg- well- not really. Reading, baking and piano are like my only hobbies but Ive never been into them as much as you and space."
"You play piano?'
Craig then asked, making Tweeks eye twitch.
"Huh? Oh- um, yeah- I've been taking lessons since I was little. It started as my parents just wanting to have something to show off but I genuinely started liking it."
Tweek said with a smile.
"Oh sweet, you should show me a song one day. I prefer listening to music rather than playing, tried saxophone one year in like 5th grade, and let's just say, it's not for me."
Craig responded as tweek gave a small laugh.
"We have a piano at my house, I could teach you a song! Something easy!"
Tweek then suggested, making Craig smile slightly.
"Yeah..maybe we ca-"
Craig tried to say but before he could finish his sentence the downstairs door opened.

"Oh shit. My dads home." He said with an annoyed tone.
"Hm?" Tweek squeaked as Craig stood up.
"He's gonna be What do you say we go to Clyde's a bit earlier, schools over by this point."
Craig suggested calmly as he closed his laptop and stood to set Stripe back in his cage.
"Eh- um- okay!"
Tweek said as the two made their way downstairs. They headed into the kitchen where a tall, red haired man stood.
"Craig? Who's this?" He slurred.
"Ugh- gross. You smell like alcohol."
Craig scoffed.
"Don't talk to your father like that! Now answer my question."
"This is Tweek, dad. Mom said he can come over since we have a project to do."
"Oh bullshit. I've never seen this little spaz before, he's not your dumb boyfriend or something is he?"
"Ew- no dad. He's not my boyfriend. I'm not gay."
He retorted with a monotone voice as he grabbed Tweeks arm and began to walk out.
"We're leaving."
"Good, don't bring that..spaz, here anymore!"
"You don't even know him, stop being a dick."
Craig said as he flipped him off.
"I don't need to know him, look at him! Not like you're any better.."
he muttered, Craig scoffed and led tweek out the door, stepping into his truck and sitting down.
"Sorry about dads a dickhead."
"No- Urg- it's fine! Just- am I- really that spazzy?"
Tweek asked as he looked down at his twitching hands. Craig sighed and pat his shoulder.
"Don't worry dude. Don't let what he said get to you, i think it makes you unique. In a good way." He tried to reassure. Craig was never the best at emotions so he hoped that it was okay.

"Yeah- thanks man."
Tweek smiled. Craig gave him a nod and a small grin before starting the truck and making his way to Clyde's house.

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