Dusted Pink (9)

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"And that's constellations, but that's not even the start of stars. We haven't even talked about how they compress-"
Craig had been talking for around half an hour at this point. Tweek was just sitting and jotting down what he said, he found it quite calming to just listen to him talk. Tweek just looked at him, up close, Craig looked completely different under the starlight. Tweek would almost say he looked handsome, but he shut that down rather fast.

"Oh and then there's black h-"
Craig suddenly stopped to which Tweeks head tilted.
"Something wrong?" He asked calmly.
"No, it's just- no one's really EVER listened to my space talk for this long before. Sorry if that was annoying."
Craig said, scratching at the back of his head.
"Oh no! It's fine- really! I like listening to your space talk!" Tweek tried to reassure to which Craig just slowly nodded.
"Well..I still feel like I shouldn't be the only one doing the talking. We can take a break, we have all week after all. So..have you always worked for your parents? They work you a lot, sounds like a nightmare. better be paying well."
Craig asked as he turned to him.
"I mean- yeah, I've been helping the shop since I can remember. It's tiring but really not that bad! The pay is OKAY, I get to bake and I get free coffee." Tweek shrugged a bit.
"It just means I don't have much time after school, which never really mattered because I- never really had any friends before.."
Tweek admitted.

"Well you have friends now don't you? How about this. Clyde and our friends are going to his house to play the new red racer game after school tomorrow, what do you say?"
Craig offered. Tweek thought for a moment, he wasn't quite sure what to do. Finally he cleared his throat and nodded.
"Ahem- um yeah! I can..probably get off work."
He smiled.
"I didn't know you were a fan of red racer, I used to LOVE that show!" Tweek then followed.

"I still love that show. It's literally my favorite."
Craig responded.
"For such a "rebel" who the girls fall for. You sure do have some nerdy interests " Tweek joked, getting an actual chuckle out of Craig.
"Meh, girls have never been my thing." Craig leaned back, looking at the sky.
"I'd rather stick to learning about space, rather than learning how to handle a girlfriend." Craig responded .
"What about you?" Craig then asked, turning his head to Tweek. He didn't really know why he asked. I guess he just felt comfortable around Tweek. And a deep part of him genuinely just wanted to know.
"Hm? Well I haven't really ever had time to think about relationship stuff, not like I could get a partner anyway." He ticked.
"Not with that outlook.. but..I get it. I haven't had much time either considering I have to take care of Tricia."

The two spoke with each other for some time, talking about hobbies and interests. Eventually Tweek sat back and spoke.
"You know, I really- arg- didn't like you at first. I would've never guessed how cool you ended up being!" Tweek stated with a small smile.
"Yeah. I guess you're not so bad either, Twitchy."
Craig responded with a small smile of his own. He yawned and slowly stood up, readjusting his hat.
"Well. We should probably get going."
Craig mentioned as he stretched.
"I don't want it to get to late, I might have to cook dinner" Tweek nodded at this and they both made their way back down the ladder.
"Next time we meet up, we can start on the presentation itself. I have enough notes."
Tweek said as he looked down at Craig, stepping down from the metal beams one my one.
"That sounds fine. I can bring my laptop."
Craig responded as the two placed their feet on the overgrown grass and began to walk to the main road and back to their houses. Still chatting with each other as the made their way down the moonlit road.

The boys didn't live far from each other, only a couple houses down, they could almost be considered neighbors.
Tweek and Craig ended up at Craig's doorsteps, They were both about to go their separate ways until Tweek. Suddenly stopped.
"Oh! Craig."
He called out as he looked back at him. The black haired teen turned his attention back towards the other as the starlight shined down, covering them in a soft light.
"I'm glad we had to be partners, I had a lot of fun talking to you!"
Tweek beamed with a bright smile. The boy genuinely seemed happy at this new friend, despite the unfortunate way of them meeting.
Craig was silent for a moment before nodding.
"Yeah..it was nice to have someone to talk to."
He stated as the two waved and Tweek head down the road to his house.
Craig stepped inside and shut the door, leaning his head against the wooden frame as his hand lifted to his cheeks.
A soft pink dusted across his cheeks.
He muttered to himself in his same monotoned voice, however his face looked more surprised.

"There is no way in hell I like Tweek.."
(Author note: Hey hey! Sorry for a short chapter. I just stopped when it felt good and I didn't want it to be long. Anywaysss. I just want to thank everyone again for reading, adding it to your library's and voting! It means the world to me! New chapter on the works! It's summer soon so I should be writing more!)

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