Drive home. (13)

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Authors note: Sorry for the wait! I was super busy last week! Stars and coffee is back now though!
"I think I should go check on Tweek."
Craig spoke, pausing in the middle of the game which made Clyde groan in slight frustration to the abrupt pause.
"He said he was just going to the bathroom, what's the matter?" Tolkien asked as he set down the controller. Craig sat up, messing with the poof balls on his chullo hat.
"I don't know..I just had a weird feeling I guess."
The nasally voice said. Clyde just slumped over and wrapped his arms around the blue hatted guy.
"I'm sure he's fine dude! You talk about him like you love him or something."
Clyde teased, his face close to Craig's, who just looked away in annoyance as the brunette clung to him.
"Now that I think of it, you two have been getting close."
Tolkien mentioned as he leaned against the back of Clyde's bed frame.

"How ironic." Tolkien chuckled.
"What do you mean?" Craig asked with a tilt of his head.
"What he means-! Isss, you literally just punched him a or two ago now you two are being all buddy buddy." Clyde chimed in, trying to sneakily unpause the game but luckily, without a word, Tolkien just quietly snatched the controller from his hand.
"Well, this school project just gave me time to know him more, I guess." Craig shrugged, not putting much effort into his response. He just had a looming feeling that something was wrong with Tweek, maybe he wasn't in harm or anything but something definitely felt wrong. Yet, just as he began to fully sit up to go check on the blonde he heard the door handle.

Tweek and Jimmy arrived at the door to Clyde's room, Tweek hesitating for just a moment before twisting the handle and walking in the room.
Clyde called out with excitement.
"How is this weeks paper going?" Tolkien asked with a smile. Jimmy made his way inside, ushering the shaking blonde in aswell.
"Oh it's g-good Token. Only because of yours try- tru- truly!" He joked with a laugh as he sat down.

"So! How's the game so far? Everything you've hoped for and mo- more?" Jimmy then questioned to which Clyde just tightened his grip around Craig's body, basically making it a clingy, one way hug. Craig just learned to accept Clyde's constant need for physical contact so he didn't even mind anymore.
"It's SO good so far! "
Clyde explained with a shine in his eyes. Maybe he was wrong, maybe these friends were different, they seemed to like him enough.

Tweek gave a slight nod before beginning to play the game, at first Tweek completely sucked at it yet throughout his turn got..slightly..better. Jimmy on the other hand scored number one first try. Overall however. All seemed to have fun, proceeding to take turns as the 5 joked.
After a few hours the boys said goodbye. Tweek and Craig made their way back to Craig's vehicle.
Craig opened the drivers door and hopped in, glancing over to tweek who was also getting in the truck.

" did you enjoy the game?" Craig asked with a slight awkward tone, not quite knowing what else to say; not wanting the car ride to just be silent.
Tweek looked up at him.
"Hm? Oh! It was fun! I- I don't really have much time to play video games. Especially with friends!"
Tweek explained with a smile. In a way, Craig was glad Tweek was getting out of his shell, even if it was just a bit. Though despite Craig's good mood he couldn't shake a small fear he had about the next day. Tweek seemed to pick up on this.
" are you?"
He asked as Craig started the truck and backed up, beginning to drive as he thought about the blondes question, letting out a sigh.
"I..don't know..I was trying to distract myself but I'm just nervous I guess.."

Tweek was somewhat surprised at his response, tilting his head.
"Mm? Nervous about what?"
He asked to which he noticed Craig go silent. Was he embarrassed?

"Arg..It's just the presentation tomorrow..I've always been one to talk more in small groups! Not..a class, especially about a topic that I like."
Craig finally admitted after extreme hesitation, taking one hand of the wheel to mess with the string of his hat.
Tweek just listened to his worries, it seemed to tweek that the tough asshole who everyone knows doesn't give a fuck, had a bit of stage fright.
Surprisingly, the blonde himself had never had a problem with it. He had been in a few plays, even if his first one he was a nervous wreck. But the more he did it, and worked at the coffee shop, he got better at saying exactly what he practiced infront of a crowd. So it surprised him hearing CRAIG was nervous.

"Ohhh! Well.. um..did you know I've been In a play before-?" Tweek squeaked out, making Craig squint in confusion but before he could ask anything, the boy continued,
"The first play I was in I was so nervous I couldn't sleep! Not like I can anyway but that's not the point! I was so nervous.. but when I got on that s-stage..all my worries went away, I didn't even notice there was people there because I was doing something I liked. So..maybe try to have that mindset, that all the fear will go away once you start."
Tweek explained, looking out the window as Craig arrived at his house.

The raven haired guy just sat there, thinking for a moment, almost processing that the most jittery and crazy guy in school just gave him good advice, finally, he just smiled.

"Thanks Tweek, who knew a spaz like you could give advice."
He chuckled to which tweek just hoped out of the car, his blonde hair ten times messier from the drive there.
"Who knew such a tough guy has stage fright."
He shot back with a smile before Tweek waved and made his way to the porch of his house.

Craig just mumbled to himself before pressing his foot down on the gas, starting to drive towards his own house now.


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