Sick day (10)

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The next morning Craig woke up. Got ready. Made breakfast for Tricia. This day was different though. His mom was sicker than normal, making him have to stay home from school, taking care of her.
Craig didn't mind, half the time he was just doing whatever he wanted at home, he just happened to need to give his mom meds, towels, food, occasionally. Craig was sitting in a rocking chair that was in the corner of his moms room. Her room was decorated in small gifts that Tricia made for her and get better soon cards. He was dozing off, waiting for the soup in the kitchen to properly heat up. That's when he got a text from an unknown number.

(Unknown): Hello? Is this Craig, it's Tweek. Clyde gavd me your number. The projects been shortened to half a week. So I was thinkkinf maybe I could go over there and work, since I'm not at school either?

(Unknown): But you definitely don't HAVE to!!!

The message read, Tweeks messaging him now? Craig quickly saved his number before reading it again, his hands must've been so shaky due to how many mistakes there were. Craig didn't really like the thought of someone coming over when his mom was sick and his dad was gone, out drinking again.
"What's the long face Craig?"
His mom sudden asked, which made craigs head perk up.
"Hm? I thought you were asleep mom?" He asked as he stood up and gave her a small hug.
"I can always tell when my baby is upset, so what's wrong?"
"'s really nothing, I just have this group project with my friend and he wants to come over to work on it..I don't know, I'd make me feel bad to just leave you here sick.."
Craig explained as he sat on the corner of the bed.

"Oh Craig you never bring any of your friends over. You don't have to worry about me dear."
She gave a weak smile before hugging him again.
"If you say so. I'll go get your soup."
He said as she separated and made his way out of the room.

(Craig): Yeah that should be fine. Why are you not at school?

(Tweek): Missed the bus, I've already read ahead in all my classes so I decided just not to go 🤷‍♂️ wbu?

(Craig): My moms sick.

(Tweek): Oh geez! It's not contagious is it????

(Craig): No ur fine.

(Tweek): Okay! Omw now!

Craig sighed, setting his phone down as he headed down to the kitchen to grab the soup for his mother. As he was walking something just couldn't get out of his head, did he really blush to TWEEK of all people? Craig wasn't used to any sort of blushing let alone for a guy?? Craig never really got embarrassed or flustered so it pissed him off. he couldn't get it off his mind. "I am not gay."
He muttered to himself in reassurance as he set the soup on his moms end table.
Craig then just sat at the dining room, waiting for Tweek to show. The guy didn't live that far away so he assumed it would be quick.

Five minutes. Maybe he just left late.

Ten minutes. Okay, reeeeally late.

Fifteen minutes. What the hell.

Craig annoyingly got up and slumped over to the door, about ready to go walk Tweek here himself. When he swung open the door however he was met face to face with a anxious-looking Tweek. Hand looking like it was about to grip the doorknob, face full of anxiety. He must've been to nervous to even knock on the door. He let a loud 'GAH' which only made Craig stand there with a straight face.
"How long have you been standing there?"
He simply asked.
"Um- ah- I don't know- stop pressuring me!"
Tweek shouted. Craig just rolled his eyes and opened the door for him.
"Come in. Don't mind the smell of alcohol it's my dad."
He said as he invited Tweek in.
"Oh don't worry! The smell of coffee dulled my entire sense of smell!"
He finished as they stepped in. Tweek looked around the disheveled home.

"I thought you were taking care of your mom?"
"Oh I am, shes fine right now. This happens a lot..shes..not In the best state."
Craig admitted as the two climbed the stairs to his room.
"Oh..I'm sorry."
Tweek said as they entered the black haired boys room.
Tweek looked around his room. Observing all the nasa and red racer posters and merch.
"Woah..I was right! You really are a huge dork!" Tweek teased with a laugh. Craig just threw one of his pillows at the blondes face.
"Shut up. I'll kick your ass."
Craig responded as he sat down on the floor.

"So. You ride the bus?"
He then asked, genuinely trying to make small talk.
"Mhm, I struggle though, my sleeping is so messed up." He ran his pale fingers through his hair. It was so messy it almost looked soft, Craig thought yet ignored.
"Your parents can't just drive you..or..they own a popular store, they can't just get you a car?"
He asked to which Tweek sighed.
"Nope. Their business is more important to them than I am. Sometimes I think they only had me to drive up sales."
Tweek mumbled.
Craig responded, thinking for a moment.
"Hey. If you want, I could just pick you up on my way to school. You'd have to ride with Tricia though."
He offered, watching as Tweeks eyes lit up.
"D-do you mean that!? Ag-! I HATE riding the bus, makes my anxiety so bad!"
Tweek said with a huge smile, making Craig even crack the smallest smile.
"Yeah sure dude, I'll pick you up tomorrow." He said as he reached on his bed, grabbing a sticker-covered laptop and setting it in-front of the two.
"Oh wait. I want you to meet someone!" Craig said with more excitement in his tone than normal as he stood up and walked to the corner of the room. Tweek sat there, thinking. He was surprised about how kind Craig actually was being to him. Craig came back with a small little rodent.
"This is stripe."
Craig introduced. Tweek shouted and scooted back.
"GAH! Is that thing going to bite me!?" He yelled as he twitched violently away from him.

"No man. Calm down. Here"
Craig said as he kneeled down closely in-front of Tweek.
"Give me your hands."
Craig said as he gently took them, clasping the guinea pig and his shaking hands as Tweeks eyes clinched shut, his breathing speeding up.

After a couple seconds he opened his eyes a peel, looking down at the fluffy animal. It wasn't biting him.
"See..told you, Stripes cool. And he likes you."
Craig said quietly as he stared down.
"Yeah..he's..kind of cute actually.." Tweek mumbled as they both smiled and suddenly looked up to each other, fixing their gazes on one another in a stare.
As they made eyes met. their hands gently holding onto stripe, their cheeks lit up with the slightest shades of red.
(Author note: IM FINALLY FEEDING YOU THE ROMANCE YOU ALL HAVE BEEN CRAVING. But I'm fully honesty I hope you enjoy this! This was a favorite chapter of mind.

Question: if I was to draw or paint a scene from this so far, which scene would you guys like?)

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