chapter 1

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* 5.45AM*

" beep..... beep..... beep .......

Felix wokes up suddenly from hearing the alarm .

"Shhhh fuck God i hate my life "

It was his first day in college ,he was excited for it .
He quickly jump from his bed and rushed to  bathroom to get ready
He opened the hot shower to get his head right.

Time skip*

Felix stood infront of the mirror for 5 minutes straight looking at his face ,he always hated his freckles.

"Ohh i hate those freckles ,soo ugly "

Breakfast time*

He ran down the stairs to get something to eat .

"Good morning my love" ,his mother greeted him with a warm smile .
She looked exactly like felix , ethereal face with freckles ,blond hair and looked like she was in her middle 20's actually she's in her middle 40's.
Her name was Fabiola.
She's a well known ceo of a fashion brand called ' Cherry '.

"Morning mom "

Felix only have his mother as a family.

He never knew who was his father ,his mother never mentioned it because due to her past traumas .

"Baby you look so nice today,my angel"
his mom always admired his beauty .
"Ma baby is getting older, guess what college life is waiting for you,
Sit here baby have breakfast with me"

Felix nodded yes with a smile .

While sipping her coffee "baby you got friends right , don't get yourself in any harm , don't be friends with bad people okay sweety ".

"Yeah i know mom "

He take look at his watch .

"Oops its time", he shouted.

"bye mom its already late "

he kissed her cheeks and grabbed his bag and left his house .
He was in the car feeling nervous about his college life .

"Ahhhh i don't have any friends "

He quickly take his phone out of his pocket and start searching about his college .

"Xxxxx college freshners day 2023"

He reads the headline in his mind

It's a college for children who born with a platinum spoon 🥄.

Oo it's looks like I'm gonna be alone again like in my high school "

Felix was introverted and shy he was always insecure about his looks .

His hands where sweating

"Ooo how i gonna face everyone "
His social anxiety always make him sweaty .




"Felix calm down take a deep breath
Exhale inhale "

"Glad that's feel much better ."

"Sir, your college has arrived be ready"
His car driver who has in his middle 50s said .
"Hey mr.jeoun don't call me sir , Just call me felix "
"Okay felix" mr.jeoum his beloved driver nodded .
Felix took another deep breath
"Okay i can do it " he opened the door and took his bag from the car and closed the door.

"Wow too many people "
"So much freshners " he rubbed his fingers.

"Hey felix"

Someone shouted ,felix was shocked ,he turned back to see who it was .
" Han "
Han was his long lost childhood friend ,more clearly his only friend "

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